Better-for-you ice cream alternatives

Nothing says summer like digging into a scoop or two of your favorite ice cream. While you may have your full-fat, sugar-loaded ice cream go-tos that you can’t wait to sink your teeth into—hello, hot fudge brownie sundae!—regular ice cream is the kind of food that health experts say should really be consumed in moderation. (And we say, that's exactly what you're weekly Points® are made for!)
The good news is that there are plenty of tasty, better-for-you options that fit into your Points Budget, like WeightWatchers®'s much-loved chocolate fudge bar. And when you feel like getting creative in the kitchen, there are many frozen snack and dessert recipes that rely heavily on fresh and frozen fruit, nonfat or lowfat milk, and yogurt—ingredients that can help make your ice cream habit healthier, often cheaper, and way more Budget-friendly.
Keep reading for our best ice cream- and ice pop-inspired recipes, plus fun hacks with our fudge bars.