15 high-protein foods for supporting weight loss

There’s no debate: Our bodies need protein to function. But in recent years, popular weight-loss plans have spotlighted this nutrient as the most important part of your diet. So what’s the deal? While there’s no magic pill for weight loss or overall health, high-protein foods should be an essential component of your daily meals and snacks, explains registered dietitian Jaclyn London, MS, R.D., CDN. “By eating protein consistently throughout your day, you’re automatically making more satisfying food choices that will help you feel energized and stay fuller, longer — which may also help minimize between-meal grazing,” she says.
We tapped nutrition experts to shed more light on why protein is so important, how it relates to weight management, and to share some of the best sources of protein. Here’s the lowdown on 15 protein-rich foods, plus 43 delicious recipes to try.
The importance of protein-rich foods
Proteins are one of three macronutrients (along with carbohydrates and fats) that our bodies need to work, explains registered dietitian Angela Goscilo, MS, R.D., CDN. “These provide us with energy and serve as building blocks for muscles and tissues,” she adds. Simply put, protein helps power nearly every system in the body — from strengthening bones, muscles, and cartilage to helping cell tissues repair and regenerate.
High-protein foods are so important because they contain essential amino acids that our bodies rely on — and can only get from food. Protein itself is made of 20 amino acids, and while the human body can produce 11 of these on its own, the remaining nine must come from our diets. Not to mention, many protein-rich foods also contain other key nutrients, such as B vitamins (like niacin, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and riboflavin), selenium, choline, phosphorus, zinc, copper, vitamin D, vitamin A, and vitamin E, depending on the food.
While our bodies need micronutrients like vitamins and minerals in smaller amounts, protein is something we need in larger quantities. Here’s where things get a little tricky: There’s no one-size-fits-all recommendation on how many grams of protein you should eat. The current recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams per kg of bodyweight — just over 7 grams of protein per 20 pounds. (For someone on a GLP-1 medication, the recommendation is 1 gram per kg.) That said, most of us are consuming more protein than our baseline needs, according to London. According to a 2018 analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, most adults exceed the recommended intake of protein — consuming an average of 88 grams a day. “As a dietitian, I’d rather you focus on eating a variety of protein-containing foods rather than on the nutrient itself,” she adds.
Which foods are high in protein?
When you think of protein-rich foods, you likely picture meat and other animal products. But while red meat, poultry, and eggs are good sources of protein — meaning they are complete proteins that contain all nine amino acids our bodies need from food — they’re not the only ones.
Plant-based proteins are great additions to any meal or snack — regardless of whether you’re vegan or vegetarian. Research suggests that replacing some animal proteins with plant-based sources could have positive health benefits: A 2019 study published in the Journal of the American College Of Cardiology linked the consumption of a mostly plant-based diet to a 41% lower risk of developing heart failure. Meanwhile, a 2014 meta-analysis of 37 studies published in JAMA Internal Medicine linked vegetarian, vegan, or semi-vegetarian diets (i.e., when you eat some meat, eggs, fish, or dairy) with lower blood pressure. Most plant-based sources don’t contain all nine essential amino acids, but there’s a simple solution: Eat an assortment.
The most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends aiming for five and a half 1-ounce servings of protein per day. What does that look like? One small steak is about 4 ounces, a can of tuna is 3-4 ounces, three eggs (whites and yolks) clock in at 3 ounces, and ¼ cup of cooked beans, chickpeas, or lentils is equal to a 1-oz serving.
Regardless of your eating style, there are so many protein-rich foods to choose from.
The 15 best sources of protein
1. Chicken breast
Chicken is a staple in many diets, and for good reason. It’s a great source of protein, lower in saturated fat than some other meats, and it packs a nutrient-dense mix of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. For the leanest cut with the most protein, opt for grilled skinless chicken breast or skinless rotisserie chicken breast — one 3-oz serving delivers 26 grams of protein and .84 grams of saturated fat. You’ll also get key nutrients like selenium (which supports the immune system) and choline, which plays a role in memory, mood, muscle control, and heart health.
Try chicken breasts in:
2. Ground beef
From burgers to BBQ, beef is a mainstay in many recipes. When it comes to protein, a 3-oz portion of 90% lean ground beef contains 24 grams. Since fattier cuts of beef and other red meats can be higher in unhealthy saturated fats, it’s best to choose the leaner, unprocessed versions — such as 90% or leaner ground beef, lean & trimmed top sirloin steak, or peak tenderloin.
Try ground beef in:
3. Salmon
Nutritionally, one 3-oz salmon filet provides up to 21 grams of protein and is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids in their most bioavailable form (aka the most useful to your body). Salmon is also an excellent source of potassium and vitamins B6 and B12, and naturally provides vitamins A and D. Most Americans aren’t eating enough seafood, according to the USDA. (For reference, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating at least 8 ounces per week.) Salmon is a great way to help hit that target — enjoy it on your morning bagel, in pasta, baked with veggies, or even as a dip. You can also try experimenting with other protein-rich fish like cod, snapper, arctic char, or trout.
Try salmon in:
4. Tuna
Canned tuna is a great source of vitamin D and omega-3s, and as a shelf-stable lean protein source, it can’t be beat for convenience. One 3-oz serving of tuna in water (half a can) delivers around 20 grams of protein. You’ll also get other key nutrients, including potassium, selenium, and calcium. Canned tuna can often get a bad rep because of mercury concerns, but this mostly applies to white (albacore) tuna. That said, the FDA recommends limiting this type to 6 ounces per week or about one can, but light tuna and other types of canned, fresh, or frozen seafood can all help you get closer to the goal of at least 8 ounces of fish per week.
Try tuna in:
5. Shrimp
Shrimp, or prawns, are a delicious addition to many dishes and are packed with omega-3s and protein. Three ounces of shrimp deliver 20 grams of protein. Shrimp’s cholesterol levels are higher than other seafood options at 189 milligrams per 3-oz serving, but recent research shows there’s no evidence to suggest that dietary cholesterol can increase risk of cardiovascular disease. The actual culprit? Saturated fat. Shrimp has zero grams of saturated fat per serving, making it a lean source of protein and a heart-healthy meat alternative.
Try shrimp in:
6. Eggs
While no single food you eat can make or break your health, eggs are considered one of the best sources of protein available, London says. They’re inexpensive, readily available, nutrient-dense, and super versatile. A complete protein, one large egg contains 6 grams of protein. They’re also rich in choline, vitamins A and B12, and are one of the few foods that are natural sources of vitamin D.
Try eggs in:
7. Milk
Even though they’re not technically categorized as protein-rich foods by the USDA, milk and other dairy products are standout sources. One cup of whole milk provides 8 grams of protein. And since cow’s milk is often fortified with vitamin D and A in the U.S., you’re automatically getting some of these important nutrients by adding a splash to your morning coffee, using it as an oatmeal ingredient, or sipping on a cold cup of it post-workout. Despite being made from protein-rich nuts and seeds, plant-based milks (like almond, soy, or cashew) have lower protein levels. If you can’t tolerate lactose, soy milk typically has the highest protein content at 7–8 grams per serving.
Try milk in:
8. Cheese
Cheese is a delicious way to add flavor to nearly any dish. (What doesn’t taste better with a little cheese?) Plus, the addition can infuse your meals with extra protein and nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Based on the USDA portion guidelines, ⅓ cup of part-skim mozzarella delivers up to 9 grams of protein, a cup of low-sodium cottage cheese has 28 grams, and full fat, hard cheese like Parmesan packs 10 grams of protein per 1-oz serving. Keep in mind, however, that cheese is also a source of saturated fat. “The added benefit to full-fat hard cheeses is that they typically have stronger flavors, so you may find yourself using less,” London says. “This means you’ll still get the taste without overloading on saturated fat.”
Try cheese in:
Related: 28 delicious cheesy recipes
9. Greek yogurt
Plain Greek yogurt is one of the most useful dairy-aisle finds — you can swap it for sour cream in dips or mayo in chicken salad; use it as a baking ingredient; add it to smoothies; or enjoy straight-up with fruit, nuts, or nut butter for a satisfying breakfast or snack. Unflavored nonfat Greek yogurt delivers 23 grams of protein per 1-cup serving. You’ll also hit 25% of the recommended daily intake of calcium with each serving. Once you’ve found your favorite way to enjoy it, experiment with plain, natural yogurt and tangy skyr. While skyr is nutritionally similar to Greek yogurt, it’s actually a strained cheese made from skim milk.
Try Greek yogurt in:
10. Lentils
Lentils are part of the powerhouse food group known as pulses — the dry, edible seed of beans, lentils, chickpeas, and peas. Pulses aren’t just great sources of plant-based protein: They’re also packed with fiber, minerals, and B vitamins. Nutritionally, ½ cup serving of cooked lentils provides almost 9 grams of protein. Eating lentils (and other pulses) as a part of a healthy pattern of eating has been linked to reducing risk of chronic disease, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.
Try lentils in:
11. Chickpeas
Chickpeas are a stellar plant-based, nutrient-packed source of protein and fiber — one cup of canned, drained chickpeas delivers 15 grams of protein and 13 grams of fiber. Other nutrient highlights include B vitamins and soluble fiber. This type of fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate that helps to slow digestion and absorption in your GI tract, and it’s been associated with reducing the risk of heart disease. Like the taste of chickpeas? You may also enjoy lupin or lupini beans, London says. They have a similar flavor, but a crunchier texture which makes them perfect for snacking. One cup delivers an impressive 26 grams of protein.
Try chickpeas in:
12. Peanuts
While peanuts are most often grouped in with nuts, they’re actually legumes. That explains why they’re a bit higher in protein — a 1-oz serving of peanuts has 7 grams of protein. For comparison, almonds, cashews, walnuts, and pistachios contain 5–6 grams of protein per 1-oz serving. Nut or legume, adding more of these plant proteins to your diet is always a good idea since they provide healthy fats in addition to protein and fiber. What’s more, replacing less nutritious snacks with nuts may help with weight management and has been linked to reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain age-related diseases. In fact, substituting nuts for three servings of meat per week is associated with decreased risk of inflammatory biomarkers, according to a 2016 study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Try peanuts in:
13. Edamame
Adding edamame to meals and snacks is a simple way to boost your protein intake since a ½-cup serving of the shelled soy beans delivers 9 grams of plant-based protein. The filling combo of fiber (4 grams per ½-cup serving) and protein promotes satiety, making it an excellent choice for weight loss. Plus, research also suggests that soy protein may help lower LDL cholesterol and is associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Tofu is another great soy protein — a ½-cup serving packs 10 grams and is low in saturated fat and high in polyunsaturated fats.
Try edamame in:
14. Pumpkin seeds
You don’t need to wait for pumpkin-spice latte season to enjoy pumpkin. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of plant-based protein all year. One ounce of roasted pumpkin seeds (about 85 seeds) has 5 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. Munch on them alone or sprinkle over salads or oatmeal. They’re also a source of key nutrients like iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc.
Try pumpkin seeds in:
15. Hemp seeds
Another small-but-mighty protein source, just 3 tablespoons of hemp seeds (about 1 ½ ounces) provides 10 grams of plant-based protein. Thanks to their mild flavor, which is similar to pine nuts, you can add them to nearly everything from salads and soups to cereal and smoothies. Despite their name, hemp seeds don’t contain any cannabidiol (CBD) or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). If hemp seeds aren’t for you, sunflower, sesame, and chia seeds are also rich in protein.
Try hemp seeds in:
High-protein foods and weight loss
High-protein foods can be helpful when it comes to weight loss because of protein’s effect on satiety, i.e., how full you feel after eating. Research suggests that protein is the most filling macronutrient, followed by carbs and then fat. Plus, the body uses more calories to digest protein: “It takes more work to break protein into smaller amino acids that can be absorbed,” Goscilo explains. While additional research is needed to determine exactly how this process helps you feel fuller for longer, it does. That means you may be less likely to eat between meals.
Ultimately, there’s no ideal macronutrient profile for weight loss, but eating protein-rich foods may also help preserve muscle mass during your weight-loss journey. Muscle is lost on most weight-loss programs; however, according to a 2013 study, higher protein intake helps preserve lean body mass. Research also suggests that it may be better for muscle health to consume a moderate amount of protein at each meal throughout the day rather than packing the entire goal amount into one.
Popular high-protein eating plans
In the average diet of an otherwise healthy person, protein can account for 10–35% of daily calories, according to the Institute of Medicine. This wide range means there’s conflicting opinions on what exactly constitutes a high-protein diet. However, the upper limit of protein intake is more clear: A 2006 review in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism defines excessive protein intake as anything above 35% of daily calories, and suggests it could lead to potential health risks like increased insulin levels, digestion issues, and more. The same study links a plan where 25% of calories come from protein to weight loss—without potential risks of overconsumption.
The majority of protein-focused diets are also low-carb, and weight-loss plans touting the benefits of this approach have been around for decades. (The Atkins diet, for instance, was first developed in the 1960s.) While the recommended carb amounts differ, they typically call for eating less than 45–65% of daily calories from carbohydrates. Research has found low-carb diets effective for weight loss, but since these plans can be restrictive, people may find them difficult to adhere to long-term. Plus, a 2012 clinical trial published in Physiology & Behavior found that the success of these programs depends on the high-protein element, not the low-carb one.
Here’s the lowdown on other popular high-protein diet plans:
- Ketogenic diet: Also known as “keto,” this program is often grouped in with high-protein diets, but it’s actually more of a high-fat diet. The standard ketogenic diet recommends 70% calories come from fat, 20% from protein, and 10% from carbs.
- Paleo diet: This plan takes inspiration from our prehistoric ancestors and relies on foods presumed to be available during the Stone Age. You’ll get protein from lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and seeds. Fruit, vegetables, and herbs are allowed, but the diet nixes other protein-rich foods like dairy, grains, beans, and legumes.
- Zone Diet: Originally developed to reduce inflammation, this program recommends that you get 30% of daily calories from protein, 40% from carbs, and 30% from fats.
- Carnivore diet: Like its name suggests, this diet instructs you to eat only animal products. Meat, poultry, eggs, and certain dairy products are permitted, but that’s where the list ends. Unlike the other plans that recommend a lower carb intake, this one (backed by zero scientific studies) aims for no carbs.
How you build your plate on any high-protein diet is critical since some of the more restrictive eating plans could have negative health implications. For instance, opt for protein-rich foods that are too high in fat, and you may experience nausea, diarrhea, and other unpleasant side effects. On the other hand, replace too many nutrient- and fiber-rich foods (like fruit, veggies, and whole-grains) with high-protein ones in an effort to limit carbs and you could deal with constipation or micronutrient deficiencies.
“Any attempt to omit entire food groups or limit intake of a specific food group or category of nutrients comes at the cost of your long-term health,” London says. “An approach to weight loss that, by design, limits your intake of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet like veggies and fruit can come with adverse physiological and biochemical side effects, which may make losing and maintaining weight even more difficult.”
The bottom line
Protein is an important macronutrient found in a variety of foods. It helps keep you fuller for longer and maintain muscle mass, which also makes it helpful for weight loss. Since most people eat beyond the daily recommended intake, try and focus on eating a variety of protein-rich foods rather than simply upping protein. That way, you avoid protein boredom (Eggs? Again?) and incorporate a diverse array of other nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
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Protein intake recommendations: National Academies Press (2005). “Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids.” https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/10490/chapter/12
Plant-based protein and heart health: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2019). “Dietary Patterns and Incident Heart Failure in U.S. Adults Without Known Coronary Disease.” https://www.onlinejacc.org/content/73/16/2036
Plant-based protein and blood pressure: JAMA Internal Medicine (2014). “Vegetarian diets and blood pressure: a meta-analysis.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24566947/
Dietary guidelines: USDA (2020). “Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025.” https://www.dietaryguidelines.gov/sites/default/files/2020-12/Dietary_Guidelines_for_Americans_2020-2025.pdf
Chicken nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Chicken, broiler or fryers, breast, skinless, boneless, meat only, cooked, grilled.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/171534/nutrients
Ground beef nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Beef, ground, 90% lean meat / 10% fat, raw.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/174030/nutrients
Salmon nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2020). “Salmon.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1028841/nutrients
Omega-3s and heart health: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2011). “Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease: effects on risk factors, molecular pathways, and clinical events.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22051327/
Seafood consumption: USDA (2016). “Americans’ Seafood Consumption Below Recommendations.” https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2016/october/americans-seafood-consumption-below-recommendations
Tuna nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Fish, tuna, white, canned in water, drained solids.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/175158/nutrients
Tuna consumption: U.S. Food & Drug Administration (2004). “FDA/EPA 2004 Advice on What You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish.” https://www.fda.gov/food/metals-and-your-food/fdaepa-2004-advice-what-you-need-know-about-mercury-fish-and-shellfish
Shrimp nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Crustaceans, shrimp, cooked.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/175180/nutrients
Dietary cholesterol and heart health: Nutrients (2018). “Dietary Cholesterol and the Lack of Evidence in Cardiovascular Disease.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29914176/
Egg nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Eggs, Grade A, Large, egg whole.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/748967/nutrients
Protein in dairy: Nutrition Today (2016). “Defining ‘Protein’ Foods.” https://journals.lww.com/nutritiontodayonline/FullText/2016/05000/Defining__Protein__Foods.3.aspx
Milk nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2020). “Milk, whole.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/781084/nutrients
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Cheese portions: USDA MyPlate (no date). “Dairy.” https://www.choosemyplate.gov/eathealthy/dairy
Mozzarella nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Cheese, mozzarella, low moisture, part-skim.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/171244/nutrients
Cottage cheese nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2022). “Cheese, cottage, lowfat, low sodium.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/2341161/nutrients
Parmesan nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Cheese, parmesan, hard.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170848/nutrients
Greek yogurt nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Yogurt, Greek, plain, lowfat.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170903/nutrients
Lentils nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Lentils, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/172421/nutrients
Health benefits of lentils: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2017). “Polyphenol-Rich Lentils and Their Health Promoting Effects.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29125587/
Chickpeas nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Chickpeas (garbanzo beans), mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/173757/nutrients
Chickpeas and heart disease: Nutrients (2019). “Dietary Fiber, Atherosclerosis, and Cardiovascular Disease.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31126110/
Lupin beans nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Lupins, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/172424/nutrients
Peanuts nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Peanuts, all types, raw.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/172430/nutrients
Peanuts and weight: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2009). “Prospective study of nut consumption, long-term weight change, and obesity risk in women.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19403639/
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Peanuts and chronic diseases: Antioxidants (2019). “Health Benefits of Nut Consumption in Middle-Aged and Elderly Population.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31409026/
Peanuts and inflammation: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2016). “Associations between nut consumption and inflammatory biomarkers.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27465378/
Edamame nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2020). “Edamame, cooked.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1100450/nutrients
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Soy and heart disease: Nutrients (2016). “Soy and Health Update: Evaluation of the Clinical and Epidemiologic Literature.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27886135/
Tofu nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Tofu, raw, regular, prepared with calcium sulfate.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/172476/nutrients
Pumpkin seeds nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Seeds, pumpkin and squash seeds, whole, roasted, without salt.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170188/nutrients
Hemp seeds nutrition: USDA FoodData Central (2019). “Seeds, hemp seed, hulled.” https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/170148/nutrients
Protein being filling: Advances in Nutrition (2016). “Snack Food, Satiety, and Weight.” https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5015032/
Calories used to digest protein: Nutrition & Metabolism (2004). “Diet induced thermogenesis.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC524030/pdf/1743-7075-1-5.pdf
Protein and muscle mass: FASEB Journal (2013). “Effects of high-protein diets on fat-free mass and muscle protein synthesis following weight loss: a randomized controlled trial.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23739654/
Protein spread throughout the day: NRC Research Press (2015). “Protein: A nutrient in focus.” https://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/pdf/10.1139/apnm-2014-0530
Carb intake recommendations for low-carb diets: Advances in Nutrition (2014). “Carbohydrates.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4224210/
Success of low-carb diets: Physiology & Behavior (2012). “Relatively high-protein or low-carb energy-restricted diets for body weight loss and body weight maintenance.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22935440/
Keto diet: Indian Journal of Medical Research (2018). “Ketogenic diets: Boon or bane?” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6251269/
Paleo diet: Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology (2009). “The Beneficial Effects of a Paleolithic Diet on Type 2 Diabetes and Other Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2787021/#__sec2title
Zone diet: Journal of the American College of Nutrition (2003). “The Zone Diet phenomenon: a closer look at the science behind the claims.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12569110/
Side effects of high-protein diets: Nutrition Reviews (2009). “Health benefits of dietary fiber.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19335713/
Protein consumption trends: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2018). “Protein intake trends and conformity with the Dietary Reference Intakes in the United States: analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2001-2014.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29931213