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10 Surprising Ways to Use Greek Yogurt

Because it's not just a breakfast food.
Published March 13, 2019

Plain, nonfat Greek yogurt makes an excellent breakfast base—but don’t stop there! The ingredient, found on many WeightWatchers® members' ZeroPoint™ food lists, is the ultimate multitasker. You can use it to add creaminess and filling protein to salads, pastas, desserts, soups—the list goes on and on. Gives these ideas a try, and then post your own #Greekyogurt hacks to Connect.

10 new ways to use Greek yogurt

  1. Add chopped cucumbers, dill, and a pinch of salt to the yogurt for a quick tzatziki. Slice up some veggies and dip away!
  2. Instead of using milk or sweetened yogurts, toss plain Greek yogurt into your smoothie for a thicker texture.
  3. Try it as an alternative to heavy cream when making alfredo sauce for pasta.
  4. Mix Greek yogurt with chocolate syrup and—ta-da!—you have an easy fruit dip.
  5. Use as a rich substitute for sour cream. It’s perfect for baked potatoes, burritos, nachos, and so much more.
  6. Stir Greek yogurt into puréed vegetable soup to add toothsome thickness. (Tip: If you added too much spice to, say, a chili, this also helps cut down on some of the heat.)
  7. Use the yogurt in place of mayo in chicken, tuna, and egg salad recipes to cut down on SmartPoints values.
  8. For a simple but sweet dessert, stir in light jam, raspberries, raisins, cinnamon, and shredded coconut.
  9. Out of ranch? Add spices and a bit of milk to Greek yogurt for a quick, creamy salad dressing.
  10. Reach for Greek yogurt the next time you make pizza dough (seriously!). The dough in this turkey pepperoni pizza recipe uses just two ingredients: Greek yogurt and flour.