WeightWatchers’ New Features To Help You Reach Your Goals

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Ends soon: 6 months free!

Today: 6 months free!

What’s new at WeightWatchers

We just got some big upgrades! Our program is now easier to follow, easier to stick with, and more effective than ever before.

 Meal planning with a Registered Dietitian

 350+ ZeroPoint foods to love

Take pics of your plate–we’ll track for you

Macros are now automatically calculated

 And more!

Woman smiling look at phone
Woman smiling look at phone

Meal planning and nutrition support with Registered Dietitians

✓ Add 1-1 virtual visits with healthcare providers to your WeightWatchers membership.

✓ Customize your nutrition plan to make the most of the Points® program for more success.

✓ Get expert guidance to prevent or manage medical conditions.

A woman and man cooking and smiling featuring a registered dietitian app screen
A woman and man cooking and smiling featuring a registered dietitian app screen

Use your camera to quickly track meals

✓ Take a photo of your foods, plates, and meals to get an estimate of the Points®.

✓ Make tracking easier—members who track lose more weight than those who don’t.

✓ Tracking makes you aware of your eating patterns so you can make changes to maximize your Points.

app preview of the food scanner
app preview of the food scanner

Enjoy 350+ ZeroPoint® foods

✓ 150+ more filling foods you never have to track, including more protein and fiber-rich options.

✓ New ZPFs include favorites like potatoes, lean meats, oatmeal, popcorn, and bananas.

✓ The best part: your Points® budget will stay the same!

Please note: Oats, potatoes/starchy vegetables, fruits, yogurt and cottage cheese, and corn and popcorn will not be ZeroPoint foods for those living with diabetes following our tailored program.

Plates of zero point foods
Plates of zero point foods

View macronutrients seamlessly

✓ Along with Points®, you will now automatically see key macro data including carbs, fat, and protein for foods that you track.

✓ This helps you create balanced eating habits to fuel your body with the energy you need.

screenshot of new macros feature showing protein, carbs, and fat values
screenshot of new macros feature showing protein, carbs, and fat values

Get Points® for any recipe on the internet

✓ Import your favorite recipes from a web browser, and we’ll automatically generate a Point total for you.

✓ Plus, instantly save these recipes in the WW app.

app screen that shows imported recipe from the web
app screen that shows imported recipe from the web

Get access to all these new tools by joining the #1 doctor recommended weight-loss program*

*Based on a 2023 survey by Cerner Enviza of 500 doctors who recommend weight-loss programs to patients.