Hispanic Heritage Month | WW USA

WeightWatchers® Celebrates Hispanic Heritage
Your roots run deep, and we’re proud to be part of your wellness journey. Join us in celebrating the Hispanic community, this month and beyond.
Keep an eye out—and your taste buds fired up—for flavorful WeightWatchers recipes inspired by the Caribbean, Central and South America, and Spain. Plus, stay inspired by fellow Hispanic members who have exemplified strength, determination, courage, and success.
WeightWatchers Celebra
La Herencia Hispana
Sus raíces son profundas y estamos orgullosos de ser parte de su camino hacia el bienestar. Acompáñenos para homenajear a la comunidad hispana, este mes y en el futuro.
Esté pendiente—y ponga a funcionar sus papilas gustativas—para probar las sabrosas recetas de WeightWatchers inspiradas en el Caribe, América Central y del Sur, y España. Además, siga inspirándose en compañeros hispanos que han dado ejemplo de fuerza, determinación, valor y éxito.
"With WeightWatchers, I've learned that I can enjoy my favorite dishes—enchiladas, quesadillas, guacamole—while investing in my health and losing weight."
Make Connections. Celebrate Culture.
Our strongest support system is each other. That’s why WeightWatchers Workshops, Connect groups, and coaches are our main ingredients for weight-loss success. Whether you speak Engligh, Spanish, or a bit of both, you'll find a sense of belonging in three ways.

Join a Workshop
Your journey is your own, but you’re never alone. Our Workshops in Spanish and new Latinas Workshops give members a safe–and fun–space to listen, learn, and reach goals. Together.

Find us on Connect
Check out our members-only social network, Connect, to chat with other members in our Latinas and Workshops in Spanish groups. You’ll find around-the-clock tips, tricks, recipes and solutions to shared challenges.

Get support from a coach
“Representation matters,” says Yadhira R., WeightWatchers coach for the Latinas’ Virtual Workshops. “Being in a virtual space where your foods, struggles, and successes are understood without explanation is uplifting.”

Join a Workshop
Your journey is your own, but you’re never alone. Our Workshops in Spanish and new Latinas Workshops give members a safe–and fun–space to listen, learn, and reach goals. Together.

Find us on Connect
Check out our members-only social network, Connect, to chat with other members in our Latinas and Workshops in Spanish groups. You’ll find around-the-clock tips, tricks, recipes and solutions to shared challenges.

Get support from a coach
“Representation matters,” says Yadhira R., WeightWatchers coach for the Latinas’ Virtual Workshops. “Being in a virtual space where your foods, struggles, and successes are understood without explanation is uplifting.”
Taste of Home: Flavorful Hispanic Recipes
We encourage you to enjoy traditional, culturally relevant recipes that remind you of family dinners, celebrations, and generations past. After all, research shows that people are most successful with weight loss when they can stick to the program, and it's easier to stick to the program when you enjoy what you are eating.*
Here are some of our favorite dishes, inspired by Hispanic regions around the globe:
Sabrosas Recetas Hispanas
Le alentamos a que disfrute de recetas tradicionales y culturalmente relevantes que le recuerden las cenas familiares, las celebraciones y las generaciones pasadas. Después de todo, la investigación comprueba que las personas tienen más éxito con la pérdida de peso cuando pueden seguir el programa y es más fácil seguir el programa cuando pueden disfrutar de lo que están comiendo.*
Estos son algunos de nuestros platos favoritos, inspirados en las regiones hispanas de todo el mundo: