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The healthiest fast food at your favorite chains

When it comes to food, you can grab and go while still working towards your weight-loss goals. These expert guides will help you stay on track.
Published September 26, 2019

Fast food restaurants are popular for a reason: You can find one almost anywhere, your meal is ready quickly, and the prices tend to be affordable. And sometimes that's just what works for you because...life.

But as convenient as fast food is, it also gets a bad rap nutritionally. While there are items that are higher in saturated fat, cholesterol, and calories on any menu, there are plenty of healthier choices too. You just need to know what to order—and how to hack the menu.

We'll also be the first to say: If you want your usual order, have it, track it, and move on. That's what your weekly Points® are for. One meal is not going to erase all your progress or "ruin" your day.

If you do want to max out your Points Budget or try something new, keep reading for helpful guides to eating at all your favorite fast food restaurants while staying on track with your goals.