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14 Vegetable-Loaded Breakfast Recipes

The point is to kickstart your day. And we can’t think of a better way than with fast, filling meals that’ll keep you focused and satisfied until lunch.
Published November 11, 2021

Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Should it include fiber and calcium, key nutrients we don’t get enough of? Is it weird to want a salad bowl first thing in the morning?

In short: Maybe. Yes. Absolutely not!

Breakfast is your rocket fuel. After a night of sleep, your body will need something to turn into energy or else you risk a sluggish-fest later on. Eating breakfast, even a small one, also gives you a chance to up your intake of non-starchy vegetables. And we love a good non-starchy veggie around here.

Even if you’re not a “breakfast person,” you’re bound to find an a.m. meal that speaks to you in this collection (we’ve got grab-and-go wraps, hearty bowls, satisfying scrambles—all packed with veggies). You’ll also find a hearty BLT breakfast salad, because who said lunch and dinner had dibs on that?