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Work out in 10 minutes or less

There’s always time for exercise—really! Incorporate these small moves into your everyday life.
Published December 5, 2015

Few of us can find time for a daily hour-long workout (though if you’re one of those who can – please share your time-saving secrets!). For the rest of us, snatching moments of downtime throughout the day can be a valuable way to sneak in activity.

Depending on how much time you’ve got – 3 minutes, 5, or 10 – and where you are (yes, even a gas station pit stop offers opportunities!), choose one of the activities below. We like to think of these sneaky moves as calorie-burning multi-tasking.


If you’ve got 3 minutes…

At home: TV commercial breaks were meant for sit-ups — and microwaving a meal is the perfect time for squats. See how many you can do.
At the office: Making copies? Give your legs a mini workout. Do a right leg lift, then a left. Repeat. The more copies, the better the toning!
Out and about: Skip the drive-thru at the cleaners, bank or pharmacy. The time it takes to park the car, walk in and get what you need is time well spent.


If you’ve got 5 minutes…

At home: Don’t just watch water boil. Do some leg lunges or kitchen-chair dips to pass the time.
At the office: It’s not just a stapler or a heavy book, it’s a dumbbell! And it’s ideal for bicep and tricep moves.
Out and about: Filling the tank? Why not fill the time with step-ups on the curb or lunges by your bumper.


If you’ve got 10 minutes…

At home: Take on a few DIY tasks: Vacuum the house, mow your lawn or weed the flower beds.
At the office: Break time? Take it outside. Create mini walking routes that energize your body as well as your mind.
Out and about: Maximize your mall time. Whatever store you are headed to, enter from the opposite side of the building.

Browse more workout ideas>>