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Kendra Took On New Roles

When this actress was typecast by her weight, she decided to make a change.
Published May 14, 2018

Kendra lost 83 lbs*

*At 6 months, participants in a clinical trial of the WW weight-loss program lost an average of 9.7 lbs (5% of body weight). And, people who track their food more often lose more weight. When actual WW members track their food at least two times a week for 6 months they lose on average 16.6 lbs. (7.9% body weight). lost weight on a prior program and is continuing on WeightWatchers.

In Kendra’s words:

As an overweight working actress in New York City, I was being cast in as older characters since weight seems to read older on stage. Then, when my husband and I started talking about having kids, we found that many birthing centers have weight restrictions. I I knew I wanted to give birth naturally and didn’t want anyone to tell me how I can or can't deliver my children. I thought to myself, “If you can’t get your eating under control without kids and pregnancy, it’s not going to get easier.” So I joined WW.

A mindset shift

A new approach to eating
When I started the program, I wanted to develop a more balanced approach to eating. I observed how my really healthy friends ate and noticed two things: They don't finish every bite, and they don't put so much weight into their meals. Now I know I can have pizza and ice cream occasionally, and balance it out with simple meals like a piece of fish with hearty vegetables.

Social in the city
As I continue living my life, I realized how WW fit perfectly with my lifestyle. I can be a 27-year-old woman living in the city. If a friend asks me to go to happy hour, I can go and have a glass of wine and balance it out with ZeroPoint™ foods like non-starchy vegetables. Now there's an option for me at every restaurant I go to.

Becoming a ballerina
Throughout my weight-loss journey, my primary form of exercise was ballet. I found a teacher, Miss Sarah, who was so supportive of me. She's really passionate about helping us be the best that we can be in ballet. I feel like a tall, lean, graceful, beautiful version of Kendra, not of anybody else.

How Kendra’s success with WW improved her life

Acting the part
Now, I get called in to audition for roles like the young lover, the sexy club-goer, the cute, funny best friend. I’ve had to look at different parts of my personality and see how I could sell those instead of being the voluptuous diva. It’s been a transition, but a good one.

Stronger than ever
Through this journey, I’ve noticed how much strength and power I’ve developed. I've lost a person’s worth of weight; my career is taking off; and whenever we get pregnant, I’ll be able to do things my way. I feel like I can tackle whatever I want to do. I’m a woman of limitless possibility.

Explore more WW member weight loss transformations.