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Emily's An Athlete Again

This member thought she could never become the woman she is today — but here she is now, and she can’t stop smiling.
Published April 5, 2016

Emily lost 59 lbs*

*At 6 months, participants in a clinical trial of the WW weight-loss program lost an average of 9.7 lbs (5% of body weight). And, people who track their food more often lose more weight. When actual WW members track their food at least two times a week for 6 months they lose on average 16.6 lbs. (7.9% body weight). Emily lost weight on a prior program and is continuing on WeightWatchers. Watch Emily’s journey to embracing new adventures in the video below.

In Emily’s words:
I had played sports growing up, until I went to college. That’s when I put on weight. After graduating, I remember tailgating at a football game in the fall of 2011. I had pizza before I arrived at the game, and then when we started tailgating, I ate a hamburger, pizza, and cookies, among other things. As I was walking up to the nosebleed seats in the stadium, I had to stop and catch my breath. Children were running past me, middle-age people were holding conversations as they climbed the steps, and there I was, 23 years old, feeling physically sick and tired. I felt so defeated.

Seeing a difference

Making a change
Even though I didn’t join WW right away, that night stuck with me. I remembered being around people my own age, and they all seemed so happy and carefree. I just figured I’d always be overweight — I’d be that funny girl who embraces her curves and everyone loves her for it. But when a co-worker asked me if I wanted to join WW with her, I said, “Why not?” I thought that it probably wouldn’t work for me, but I’ll try it anyway.

A mind shift
I was never one to weigh myself all the time. I had an idea of how big I was and I accepted that. After losing 4.8 pounds the first week, I started to realize that this could be a lifestyle change. I began to cook at home instead of eating takeout. I set a goal to try one recipe a week, but then I found that I loved cooking so much that I’d make five each week. I’d never really shopped for produce before, and I found myself starting to buy lean meats, healthy fruits and vegetables, and prepping my meals every Sunday.

Getting stronger
After my first month on the program, I felt like I had more energy. I joined a gym and started taking fitness classes. Before I knew it, I was working out five days a week. I love how I felt afterward, and I started to see big changes in my body when I started weight-lifting. That was addictive. When I saw the contour of my bones in the back of my neck, I was so excited. I was so used to seeing a layer of fat over that! I was becoming someone I never thought I could be.

How Emily’s success with WW has improved her life

Active Arizona
The weather in Tucson is perfect for biking. There are great trails near my home — they are mostly washes from monsoons and rainwater — and I love to ride on them for great exercise outdoors. I also enjoy hiking, and it’s such a popular thing to do in the area. Sometimes, my dad heads out with me to Sabino Canyon. He’s always been an active person, and now I can keep up with him!

My life now
I’m back to being the athlete I once was. I’m confident, I smile more, I’m a happier person. In the past, when I looked at someone who was fit and in shape, I’d say, “I will never look like that, it’s not in my genetics.” Now, I know that anything is possible. I’m finally discovering myself. I’m not afraid of trying things alone. I can go to a workout class, a restaurant, alone — and it’s not an issue at all. I say to myself, “Let me try it. What do I have to lose?”

Explore more WW member transformations here.