Kate's conquering sleep apnea

Kate lost 126 lbs*
*At 6 months, participants in a clinical trial of the WW weight-loss program lost an average of 9.7 lbs (5% of body weight). And, people who track their food more often lose more weight. When actual WW members track their food at least two times a week for 6 months they lose on average 16.6 lbs. (7.9% body weight). Kate lost weight on a prior program and is continuing on myWW™.
In Kate’s words:
I had been feeling tired and fatigued for months. In 2013, I finally went to the doctor, and I was diagnosed with weight-induced sleep apnea. To add to that, my doctor also told me I had poor circulation and high blood pressure. At just 32! I had to wear a huge mask that forced air into my nose while I slept each night — it was awful. I couldn’t believe I was barely into my 30s and dealing with all these life-threatening issues. I was scared that I’d leave my two kids motherless. I woke up one morning a few months after that doctor’s visit and decided that I wasn’t going to believe my excuses any longer, so I joined WW.
Small steps to big results
Making changes
I was over 300 pounds when I started the program, so I had a long way to go. Instead of focusing on the road ahead, I looked at what I could do every day that would help me move forward. First off, I said that any weight loss was acceptable, and I made smaller, more realistic goals. My first big change was swapping sugary drinks for water. As I started to see changes in the first few weeks, something clicked; I became a powerhouse of dedication, strength, and willpower, and I just kept going.
Starting to move
After I began making my food changes, I decided to incorporate fitness into my routine. I work in the same town in New Jersey where I grew up. I started walking around the different neighborhoods in the area after work. Since it’s a very small town, I’d usually run into my friends. They’d cheer me on, or even honk, when they saw me. If I can’t get outside, I’ll do the elliptical for a half hour first thing in the morning. Fitness is just a huge part of my life now.
Staying motivated
I hit plateaus during my journey. One lasted three weeks, which was frustrating, but I didn’t give up. I stuck to my healthy habits, and I even rewarded myself for doing so — even if I didn’t lose one week. Eventually, I started losing again, and that helped me believe that nothing can stop me.
How Kate’s success with WW has improved her life
The new me
After having lost weight, I was anxious and excited for my next check-up. My doctor was absolutely thrilled with the changes that I had made. All of my medical issues have been corrected. I’m still the same woman that I was back then — I have the same heart and mind as always, but this new version of me is awesome, and my confidence level has soared!
Making myself a priority
I’m a mom and a wife, with a full-time job — plus, during my journey, I was taking tax collector certification classes two nights during the week and on weekends, too. But I made time for what was important. I realized that I wouldn’t be able to continue doing everything in my life if I weren’t healthy. I made a promise to myself to change my life and I stuck to it; I made my dream come true!
Explore more WW member weight loss transformations.