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How WeightWatchers® is Helping this New Mom Keep Up with Her Toddler

She's sharing her favorite ZeroPoint™ foods with her family.
Published November 7, 2019

At 6 months, participants in a clinical trial of the WW weight-loss program lost an average of 9.7 lbs (5% of body weight). And, people who track their food more often lose more weight. When actual WW members track their food at least two times a week for 6 months they lose on average 16.6 lbs. (7.9% body weight). Jonna lost weight on a prior program and is continuing on WeightWatchers.

As told to Katerina Gkionis

When I became a mom for the first time in December 2018, I figured the 30 pounds I gained over nine months would just melt off after giving birth.

At first, I lost some weight naturally. But after that, I felt stuck. As a new mom without the time or energy to cook, I’d rely on fast food. When I’d go to the drive-thru for lunch and pick up 12-piece chicken nuggets, waffle fries, and a milkshake, I’d say to myself, “I just had a baby. I’ve earned this!”

My energy levels were low and my diet only made things worse: I’d feel groggy and tired after I ate. At the same time, my body felt really different: Things wiggled and jiggled in places that they didn’t used to. I felt uncomfortable about the way I looked—particularly when I had to wear a more casual outfit to a formal wedding because the dress I’d banked on didn’t fit.

A few days after the wedding, I weighed myself. Inching far too close to my peak pregnancy weight, I realized things were getting out of hand. I knew I needed to do something.

By April of 2019, I’d gone back to work as an executive assistant at a local hospital. One of my company benefits included a corporate discount code to WW, so I decided to take the leap and I joined as a Digital member.

I didn’t have time to get a massage or take a bubble bath, so WW, I resolved, would be my self-care. I knew I could find the time to eat healthier and get more active.

A fresh start

Right away, I started tracking what I was eating. My first week or two were eye-opening—I had been going way out of bounds with my Budget for months.

Because I didn’t want to eat boring grilled chicken all the time, I started using Instagram to find recipe ideas, following WW members who were making delicious meals. I found a shrimp fried rice recipe made with cauliflower rice, and even saw a shrimp and pasta dish—a relief since I didn’t want to give up carbs! I loved the camaraderie and accountability of social media so much that I started sharing my own journey from my Instagram handle @naturallyglam.

My husband, who will gladly eat anything I cook as long as it tastes good, was super supportive of my new eating approach. And the same goes for my son, who also took to the ZeroPoint foods I was eating like peas, bananas, mango, and salmon.

What Jonna ate then vs. now 

BreakfastHard-boiled eggs and protein shakeHard-boiled eggs and a light protein shake plus an apple, orange, or grapes
LunchFast-food chicken nuggets with waffle fries and a milkshake or frosted lemonadeSalad with romaine lettuce, grilled chicken or shrimp, cucumber, bell pepper, mushrooms, and bean sprouts with red-wine vinaigrette
DinnerFried chicken and mashed potatoes with a side of coleslawAir-fried salmon, sautéed shrimp, or  grilled chicken breast with broccoli, corn, green beans, and roasted Brussels sprouts or sautéed kale
SnacksChips and candyPre-portioned bags of chips, a light granola bar, an apple, or an orange

I quickly learned to stick with ZeroPoint foods like Greek yogurt and eggs for breakfast and lean proteins like grilled chicken or grilled shrimp for lunch when I knew I was going out for dinner so I could enjoy a drink or two without going over my Budget.

Riding the success train

I lost 10 pounds* over the first few months on the program. I had plenty of ZeroPoint foods to choose from, like fruits, lean protein, and veggies plus salmon—my favorite! And I had more than enough WeightWatchers, which I don't mind tracking since it reminds me to make healthier choices and be selective. To date, I'm at a total of 26 pounds* lost!

Feeling energized

Eating more wholesome foods and less fast food gives me a little more pep in my step—a good thing now that my son is starting to walk! I even have extra energy to exercise on my own: I bring my little guy to daycare at my gym while I walk on the treadmill or weight train.

If I don’t have time to get out, I’ll squeeze in a 20-minute home workout using my dumbbells or kettlebell. I never regret it!

Loving myself

I’ve always taken care of myself when it comes to my hair, makeup, style, and career, but now it feels like I’m finally hitting the mark with my health and weight. Every week when I track what I eat, and the scale moves in the right direction, I feel more confident. And when the scale doesn’t move? I still feel good about earning WeightWatchers and eating healthier.

It helps that I’m getting so much positive feedback from members on Instagram and Connect—it’s like I’m surrounded by positivity, which definitely affects the way I feel when I look in the mirror.

Explore more WW member weight loss transformations.