15 Ways to Fight the Boredom Munchies

First, analyze your pattern
When does boredom eating become a problem for you? Mid-week? Evening? If you know when it's most likely to strike, you'll be better prepared.
Then come up with alternatives
Plan what you'll do instead of eating the next time you're bored or stressed. Here are some ideas to get you started:
If you only have 10 minutes
Write down a list of places you've wanted to visit and start planning your next adventure!
Make a grocery list of healthy foods you want to pick up on your next shopping trip.
Put together a "just do it" playlist of music that boosts your mood or helps you de-stress.
Write an email to a friend you haven't caught up with in awhile.
Shop online for activity gear (shoes, clothes, or a new gadget).
If you only have 30 minutes...
Go for a walk and get some fresh air. Enjoy the bump to your energy level!
Look through past weeks on My Day. Focus on the blue dot weeks and see if there's anything you did then that you can do again this week.
Get some instant inspiration! Spend a few minutes on Connect and if you feel inspired, post something new yourself!
Read a favorite book or play a video game.
If you only have 60 minutes...
Look through healthy recipe ideas and plan your next meal.
Clean out your closets. Throw away clothes that are now too big, or donate them to charity.
Go for a long bike ride.
Start a new project. Whether it's fixing something in your house, building a bookshelf or starting a garden.
Take your kids (or your dog, or yourself) to the park.
Spend the afternoon at your local museum. This will get you out of the house and walking around, and you might discover something new (an artist or period in history) that you want to explore more!