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Today: Starting at $10/month!

Welcome to WeightWatchers® Connect, our digital community

WW Connect is a members-only social network that you access in our app. This fun, supportive, judgment-free zone is filled with people working toward their weight-loss goals just like you.
Published November 10, 2022
A woman holds a phone showing a Connect post in the WW app.A woman holds a phone showing a Connect post in the WW app.

Want new ideas for ZeroPoint® foods? Looking for tips to avoid mindless snacking? Craving support after a setback, or ready to celebrate a victory? You’re in the right place! WeightWatchers Connect gives you all those things and lots more. Because when you’re losing weight and building healthy habits, sharing that experience with others can be incredibly powerful—and it could be the key to your success. We’ll show you how.

Curious about our Connect community? It’s available only to WeightWatchers members.

How to use Connect

Download the WeightWatchers app and you’ll get immediate access with your membership. Find Connect on the app’s home screen: Tap the Connect icon (the group of people) in the lower-right corner and you’re in. Then introduce yourself!

  • Post photos or videos of your journey, recipes you love, what inspires you, milestones, and mini victories.
  • Get inspired. Check out the Trending and New feeds to see how other members use the program and try their best tips.
  • Explore your interests. Search hashtags at the top of the Connect screen. For example, #newbies, #wwmoms, or #wwbros to connect with your tribe, or #transformationtuesday or #bettertogether for the ultimate inspo.
  • Find and follow people. Follow us @wwofficial for news, tips, and special events!
  • Join groups. Working Parents, College, ZeroPoint Foods: Protein, Early Birds—there’s one for just about anything you’re looking for. On the Connect screen, tap See All (next to Groups), then Browse groups, or use the search bar. Search your local Studio’s name to find its Connect group.
  • Pay it forward. Cheer on other members by liking and commenting on their posts.

For even more opportunities for community, connection, and coaching—whether in person or virtually—check out WeightWatchers Workshops. Workshops are about more than accountability. You’ll get support, learn proven behavior change techniques, and bond with members like you. Plus, Workshop members are proven to lose twice as much weight as those who do it on their own!*

*D.F. Tate et al., 12-month randomized multi-country trial comparing weight loss between the WW program and a Do It Yourself approach where resource guides were provided. JAMA Network Open. Funded by WW International, Inc.