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6 Ways to Overcome a Difficult Workout

Here’s how to push through and come out stronger in the end.
Published July 19, 2017

Some people love the feeling of their heart rate rising and sweat dripping from their body during a workout. Others never developed that affinity with fitness and just do it to stay healthy and in shape. No matter which camp you fall into, exercise is going to feel hard at certain times.

It’s especially common if you’re new to working out and your body is still getting acclimated to being active, you’re recovering from an injury, you have a lack of mobility, or you just don’t feel comfortable exercising. “Comfort is typically found in a place with no challenges; physical or mental. But without challenge, there is no change,” says Adam Rosante, a strength and conditioning coach and founder of Strong(h)er. 

But struggle and feeling pain are two very different things. If an exercise is ever causing actual pain, you should stop right away. For instance, if you’re doing a lunge and feel a shooting pain in your knee, there’s a problem, Rosante explains. It could be your form or something worse, so you should stop.

“If you’re just starting an exercise program, it’s important to have some guidance to make sure that what you’re doing is physiologically safe and sound and that your form is correct,” Rosante says.

Here are ways to help you feel comfortable find yourself struggling through an activity. 

1. Focus on your breath.

Lifting heavy weight, holding a challenging yoga pose, walking faster than you ever had before, are all times when you might feel uncomfortable and hold your breath to focus on the effort at hand. Instead, breathe. Think about it: Anytime we are stressed—including during physical activity— we tend to lose control of our breath. It can become shallow and erratic and it can all go downhill from there. “Focus on taking slow, controlled breaths deep into your belly and exhaling with control,” says Rosante. “This will help mellow out your central nervous system and let you get control of your mind.” And, help you through the effort at hand.

2. Know you’re not alone.

Yes, some people look like they were born in the gym or walking fast, but in fact, each and every person were introduced to exercise at one point in time. “As a coach, I try to emphasize with my clients and remind them that I, too, was once in their shoes and that all gym goers have been where they are as well,” says Noam Tamir, CSCS, founder of TS Fitness in New York City. “It helps to remind yourself this when you’re struggling.”

3. Talk to yourself.

You may think it seems silly, but forget about what others around you think and instead, do it to help yourself. “Using positive self-talk can help you overcome self-doubt and move from a place of discomfort to one of strength,” says Rosante. “Give yourself a power phrase to repeat when the going gets tough. ‘You’re stronger than you think,’ is a great one.”

4. Remember why you started.

Why did you show up for your workout? Chances are it wasn’t so your health could remain the same — it’s because you wanted to change for the better. “Think about why you started when a workout starts to feel hard,” says Tamir. “The struggle and difficult exercise are what create the results and help you work towards your goals.”

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5. Adjust to make it through.

Check in with your body and see if you can make any changes to what you are doing. Sometimes just moving slower, walking backwards on hills, or even changing your position can make whatever movement you are doing easier without stopping cold turkey. Just finish the activity you have decided to undertake is the goal. Then the next time that you do it see how long you can work with the uncomfortableness before adjusting. Eventually, it won’t be so difficult that you need to ease back.

6. Just do it.

Think about a time when you overcame an obstacle in the past, suggests Tamir. Or think about a time you did anything in your life for the first time. Chances are, you weren’t very good at it. It was only through repetition, explains Rosante, that you got better—and exercise is no different. “The more you do it, the more comfortable you’ll get with pushing beyond your comfort zone,” he says. “In order to gain confidence, you have to first do the thing you’re scared of. The confidence comes after, never before.”

And if you can create that kind of power while exercising, it’s contagious and can extend outside into your life as well. “I’ve seen people push themselves in their workouts and then start to step outside their comfort zones at work or in their love lives,” says Rosante. “The change is amazing! “

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