Shop smart: Salad dressing

Salad dressings guide and comparison
Salads can be seriously good for you. That's not 'new' news, but what you may not know is just how much good they can do. When researchers in the US put it to the test, they found a correlation between eating salads packed full of vegetable more frequently and higher blood concentrations of nutrients including vitamins C, E and folic acid plus antioxidants, including lycopene and beta carotene. And a salad's not a salad without a tasty dressing – it's that 'thing' that brings all the separate ingredients and flavours together. But, while a good dressing does deliver on taste, it doesn't have to be high in sugar or fat. With so many different varieties available, it can sometimes be hard to know if you're choosing a healthier option. However, this choice is made so much easier when using Points as your guide. Having a few store-bought dressings on hand can bring convenience and variety to your meals when you need it most.
Creamy dressing
Non-creamy dressing
Spicy dressing
Gluten-free dressing