BBQ flank steak with onions

BBQ flank steak with onions

Total Time
50 min
20 min
15 min
The steak is marinated with crushed Maggi cubes (common in Nigerian and Caribbean dishes), but you can use any beef or chicken-flavored bouillon cubes you prefer.


Cooking spray

4 spray(s)

Maggi bouillon cube

4 cube(s), beef or chicken flavor (or similar product)

Worcestershire sauce

2 tsp

Table salt

1 tsp

Uncooked lean and trimmed beef flank steak

1½ pound(s), at room temperature

Uncooked onion

2 small, cut into ½-inch-thick half-moons


  1. In large bowl, crush bouillon cubes into powder. Add Worcestershire, salt, and enough water (3 to 6 tbsp) to make thin marinade. Add steak and turn to coat. Let steak marinate at room temperature, turning occasionally, for 10 minutes.
  2. Coat grill pan with nonstick spray and heat over medium-high. Place steak in center of pan. Scatter onions around steak. Cook, turning once, until onions wilt slightly and char deeply in spots and steak is charred and cooked to desired doneness, 4 to 6 minutes. Transfer steak and onions to cutting board. Let steak rest for 15 minutes. Thinly slice steak against grain. Serve with onions.
  3. Serving size: 4 oz steak and 1⁄6 of onions


For Central African coupé-coupé-style BBQ, meat is roasted over an open flame, then thinly sliced and served tucked into a slice of bread. The steak and onions would taste delicious served with roasted yams and a simple green salad.