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How self-compassion can help you lose weight

Being kind to yourself can be a powerful and positive force for good in your life. Here’s how to foster it.
Published February 9, 2019

Does this sound familiar? 


You’ve had an unexpectedly busy day, skipped lunch, and now you’re so hungry that the bright lights of Mickey D's seem to spell out your name. You promptly blow through your daily SmartPoints and a bunch of your weeklies.

Why didn’t I get something else to eat? And why did I overeat? I’ve ruined my week. Why can’t I stick to my Budget?
We’ve all heard that nasty inner voice. It's time to put a stop to it. 


Cut yourself some slack


We all know that the journey to weight-loss and wellness isn't all smooth sailing. But here's the thing: When you’re kind to yourself during a challenging time, it’s just easier to keep going, to accept what happened, and to get right back on track.

Want more proof that having some self-compassion is better than being a jerk to yourself? 

You're also more likely to take care of your health—including eating well and moving more—even when you’re stressed. Being kind to yourself pays off in other ways, too; you tend to have greater well-being and life satisfaction. Your outlook is sunnier and stress doesn’t hit you so hard. What’s more, self-compassion can help you maintain your weight loss!


Let's bust some myths

Myth 1: Being kind to yourself is selfish and indulgent. 

You know how flight attendants always tell you to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others? That rule applies here, too:
Showing compassion for yourself makes it easier for you to do the same for others.

Myth 2: You’re either born a kind person, or you're not. 

That's just silly. Anyone can cultivate more self-compassion. Like anything, it takes practice. 
Myth 3: Self-compassion requires a lot of time and energy to develop

It can be as simply making a point of talking to yourself like you would a friend. Would you say the mean things you tell yourself to a friend who was struggling? Nope. So don't do it to yourself. 
Myth 4: Self-compassion is just a way to make excuses for yourself

The opposite is true: Practicing self-compassion can help you recognize—and then overcome—barriers that keep you from reaching your goals.