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ZeroPoint cheat sheet: chicken & turkey

All your top questions about chicken and turkey, answered
Published November 2, 2021 | Updated December 10, 2024

While “zero” usually means “nothing,” at WeightWatchers®, ZeroPoint® foods are everything! If you’ve got questions about poultry, which is a ZeroPoint food, you’re in the right place.

So are we talking about just chicken breasts?

No! Most skinless cuts of meat in the poultry category are ZeroPoints! Here’s a list of all the ZeroPoint cuts in the poultry category. No matter which you buy, you can cook or smoke them with sauces that have a Points value of 0 and they’ll still be a ZeroPoint food.

  • Chicken breast, skinless
  • Chicken thigh, skinless
  • Chicken drumstick, skinless
  • Chicken leg, skinless
  • Deli meat, skinless chicken or turkey breast (plain/oven roasted versions only)
  • Ground chicken, 90% lean or leaner
  • Ground turkey, 90% lean or leaner
  • Turkey breast, skinless
  • Turkey thigh, skinless
  • Turkey drumstick, skinless
  • Turkey leg, skinless

*If ground turkey is not labeled as breast meat, it must be labeled “extra lean” or be at least 98% fat free (2% fat).

OK, so I’ve got options! What poultry is not considered a ZeroPoint food?

  • Unspecified processed products, such as meat labeled “deli turkey,” which often contains sugar—an ingredient that is not a ZeroPoint food
  • Pre-marinated chicken or turkey
  • Chicken and turkey wings

Why are other lean meats (like beef) not included on the ZeroPoint foods list?

Red meat provides essential nutrients, like iron, zinc, and vitamin B12; however, some cuts of red meat, even the lean ones, are higher in saturated fats. Red meat can still be enjoyed as part of a healthy pattern of eating and tracked with your Points Budget.

If I remove the skin from rotisserie chicken breast, is it a ZeroPoint food?

With the exception of the chicken wing, any part of the chicken with the skin removed is considered a ZeroPoint food.

If chicken or turkey breast is used to make jerky, is it a ZeroPoint food?

Jerky is a dried form of meat. When the moisture is removed, the poultry has more calories per ounce, so it’s no longer considered a ZeroPoint food and you’ll need to track it.

How do I cook lean chicken or turkey so it doesn’t come out dry?

Invest in a reliable meat thermometer so that you can cook these lean meats until they are fully done and safe to eat: an internal temperature of at least 165°F but not much past that.

When using a meat thermometer, be sure to insert it into the thickest part of whatever you’re cooking without hitting any bone. The tip of the thermometer should be close to the center and not poking through to the other side. Remember, you’re aiming for the thermometer to hit 165°F.