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What's Your "Why"?

This simple technique will help you stay find and keep your motivation throughout your weight-loss journey.
Published December 1, 2017

Getting motivated to lose weight and live healthier is one thing; staying motivated—that's quite another. But a powerful, personal "why" can bolster your mojo and help clear your mind of "I can’t" when you hit bumps along the way.

How do I find my “why”?

Your "why" isn't the same as your goal—it’s the reason for wanting to get to your goal; the motor that gets you to your destination. Maybe you want to lose weight so that you can feel comfortable in your own skin or go on that amazing rollercoaster or hike a beautiful trail. The more specific your “why”—the more you can feel the wind on your face when you plummet down the highest hill of the coaster—the more powerful your “why” will be.

Don't worry about coming up with your one-and-only"why." You don't have to commit forever; your "why" can change throughout your journey.

Need a little help?

1. Answer this question super quick: Why do you want to lose weight? (e.g., “I’m tired of not fitting into clothes.”)

2. Go into detail: What does that look like to you? How would your life be different? (e.g., “I could wear shorter dresses and skinny jeans.”)

3. Make it yours: Using your answers from Steps 1 and 2, ask yourself again, “Why do I want to lose weight?” Take your time, then frame your answer in a specific, personal way. (e.g., “I want to fit into clothes that I love and feel comfortable in what I’m wearing.”)

Once you have a handle on your reasons, lock on to them. Write them down, say them out loud, or keep a physical reminder of them (like a photo) nearby—anything that will help you remind yourself about what motivated and inspired you to start WeightWatchers®, and why you are on this journey.