Sarah: Health problems? Not anymore!

Sarah’s thyroid problem didn’t just contribute to her lack of energy – it also made her gain weight. But joining WW has helped her manage her condition and lose weight.
Published 15 May, 2024
"I’ve started doing spin classes and my energy levels have soared – my fatigue is long gone!"

Start weight: 13st 13lb | Weight loss:  2st 5lb
Current weight: 11st 8lb 
Height: 5' 1" |  Age: 31

Before becoming a mum I didn't have any energy. I’d struggle to get out of bed in the morning or stay awake during my commute. And because I loved exercise, it was odd to find myself so lethargic. The more fatigued I felt, the more I turned to ready meals – and soon the weight piled on.

After a visit to my GP, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, where the immune system attacks your thyroid – a small gland responsible for how your body uses energy and responds to hormones. Medication helped, but my fitness had been badly affected, and I was just too heavy.

Six weeks after my son was born, I joined WW. Determined to take control of my body, I couldn’t wait to start keeping track of my Points®.  I lost 1st 13lb initially and that gave me the push I needed to get back into the fitness habit, which helped me lose another 6lb.

Since then, I’ve started going to the gym three times a week. I do Spin classes and weights, and my energy levels have soared – the fatigue is long gone! Although I don’t know what the future holds when it comes to my condition, I feel like I’m back in the driving seat, and I know I’m benefiting from moving more and feeling in control.