Kate: "My relationship with food is so much more positive"

Age: 24
Height: 5'5"
Start weight: 17st
Current weight: 10st 10lb
Goal weight: 9st 12lb
Start date: June 2019
What was your 'why' for joining WW?
I felt so unhappy with myself. I hated how I looked and how I felt. I was 23, and everything was a struggle. Walking to the local shop was like a marathon, climbing the stairs was like a mountain. My knees hurt, I got out of breath so easily and everything just felt so heavy. I wanted to be happy and healthy.
Tell us about your WW journey so far, and any experiences that motivated or affected you along the way?
My journey with WW has been so positive. I've looked at my relationship with food and built long-term healthy habits with the help of WW to change it for the better. I enjoy the food I eat, and I don’t deprive myself of the stuff I love. It’s all about moderation. My main motivator is seeing people I haven’t seen for a while, and hearing them tell me how different and happy I look. When others see it, it makes me feel the hard work is showing!
What made you choose WW?
My mum lost weight following the WW weight-loss programme a few years ago, so it was actually her suggestion when I mentioned I was looking to lose weight. Seeing that the company had rebranded to WW - and was new and improved - made me think it was a good time to give it a try.
How has progressing on your journey made you feel?
Strong. I've never felt stronger in my life, physically or mentally. I finally feel like I can do anything that comes my way. Losing weight was my daily struggle, so to be on the successful side of that makes me feel like I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
How has your outlook changed since the start of your WW journey?
I think my outlook on myself as a person has changed. I'm learning to be kinder to myself, and to be proud of who I am and what I've achieved. My relationship with food is so much more positive - I've tried loads of new foods and I now love fruit and veg, which I rarely ate before. I'm also learning that it’s okay to have 'bad' days, becauase you can pick yourself back up and carry on.
How do you friends and family feel about your WW journey?
I'm very lucky to have an amazing support group around me. My mum and stepdad are so proud, and have been with me every step of the way. My boyfriend is so supportive of my journey and goals, and I have some incredible friends who always tell me how well I’ve done.
How has the wider WW community helped you stay on track?
Making friends who also follow the WW programme means you always have people to talk to, celebrate with, and seek advice from. We motivate and find so much inspiration in each other, which makes it all so achievable!
How do you stay focused?
I try to focus on smaller goals, and not be too harsh on myself on 'bad' days. We just have to do the best we can, and keep focused on the end goal by setting some short-term goals.
Which new habits are you sticking with now?
Self-care days and trying new foods. Resting and enjoying some quality me time has been great, and exploring new foods and recipes has added excitement into cooking.
And finally, what are your three favourite things about the WW app?
The barcode scanner makes finding the Points values of foods so quick and easy. I also love creating recipes, especially because the app is super accurate when it comes to calculating Points. The food tracker is handy too - it's easy and it's always with you, so you can check it anytime.