Phil and Kelly: We lost 19st between us – and found love

Kelly's story
Weight loss: 3st
Start weight: 12st 7lb
Current weight: 9st 7lb
Goal weight: 9st 7lb
Age: 41
Height: 5ft 7in
Time taken so goal: 4 years
Studio: Francis Bardsley School, Romford
WW Coach: Marsha Giltnane
Phil's story
Weight loss: 16st 11lb
Start weight: 32st 7lb
Current weight: 15st 10lb
Goal weight: 14st 7lb
Age: 56
Height: 6ft
Time taken so far: 5 years, 4 months
Studio: Francis Bardsley School, Romford
WW Coach: Marsha Giltnane
"We can’t imagine our life without WW. Not only has it made us healthier, it’s thanks to our meeting that we met in the first place."
Kelly says:
‘I’d been slim and active in my 20s and 30s, but following a car accident in 2012, I suffered injuries to my lower back, right arm, and neck, making it impossible for me to exercise. Soon, I’d gained 2st in as many months. After successfully going through physiotherapy, I joined WW.’
Phil says:
‘After the breakdown of my first marriage, I comfort ate to stop myself feeling so unhappy. I didn’t exercise either, and my unhealthy choices put my life in danger. I was on tablets for high blood pressure and raised cholesterol, and the cartilage in my knee tore from the pressure of my weight. In fact, I couldn’t have surgery on my knee because of my size. But it wasn’t until I joined WW and saw that I weighed over 32st that the reality of my situation finally sunk in. I was 100 per cent committed to change, and started following the plan to the letter.’
Kelly says:
‘One night I logged onto my meeting’s group Facebook page, looking at the healthy recipes my WW Coach had posted. But I also caught sight of Phil – we’d never met, as we attended different meeting times – and started liking his comments on the page. We soon exchanged private messages, and in 2013, he asked me on a date – it was the perfect motivational boost!’
Phil says:
‘Kelly was nearly at goal when we finally met, and although I had a lot left to lose, she became my inspiration. When I’d lost a few stone, she convinced me to join her gym. Then, after a year of dating, we moved in together – and although we regained a few pounds, we quickly returned to WW to get back on track.’
Kelly says:
‘Since rejoining, we’ve taken on several fitness challenges, including completing the Shine Night Walk and cycling from our home in Essex to central London. Phil’s health has improved dramatically – he no longer needs knee surgery – and we’ve even got engaged! We can’t imagine our life without WW. Not only has it made us healthier, it’s thanks to our meeting that we met in the first place.’