Alma, lost weight with WW Freestyle™
In Alma’s words:
My name is Alma and I am beyond excited to share my journey with you! I came across WW for the first time back in 2010. But truthfully, I didn't really discover the power behind programme until 2014.
I am from Edmonton, Canada raised most of my life here. I am a teacher by trade but wear many hats which include fitness instructor, runner and a freelance make up artist. With the help and support of WW, I took many small steps that eventually led to changing my lifestyle and my mentality regarding my weight loss journey. I can truly say, WW has given me the confidence to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. At first, I saw the programme as that, just a programme. Along the way and with changes, those changes became my habits and my life. I am inspired by so many, so I hope that I can inspire someone in return.
Breakfast is so important to me, as it sets up my day in the right direction. My "go-to" breakfast always includes coffee, protein, a grain and fruit. Most days my breakfast is a protein pancake. Alongside the pancake, I have a latte with unsweetened almond milk, a banana and some berries.
I have been active most of my life, which was why I had such a hard time grasping why I was heavier. It wasn't until I understood the correlation between food and activity that I found my joy in fitness. WW helped me clear the lines that were so blurry for so long in regards to nutrition and activity. Now, I see all forms of movement as fitness: from walks, to yoga classes to running. I believe that you have to find your fitness! Do what you like to do as you are more likely to keep it up!
Living life to it's fullest and being happy are two (of many) lessons I have learned on WW. It's easy to focus on the "bad" when things aren't going your way, but if you can find one reason to smile, your day could turn around. WW has given me the opportunity to be happy and to look at the whole spectrum of life, not just the scale and the number. Living beyond the scale means spending quality time with my husband, my family and taking in our beautiful mountains whenever possible.
You do you! That is my WW motto. Everyone's journey and path is so different, yet the flexibility of the WW weight-loss programme allows you to be you. WW has helped me rediscover that sparkle that was there, but stored away. Personally, WW has provided me with the tools to live an active, balanced and healthy lifestyle. It is part of my life. It's not some quick gimmick or fix, it truly is a lifestyle that I proudly embrace and highly recommend. It's never too late to join and empower yourself!