Rebecca made an investment in her and her family’s future

Rebecca’s weight loss journey
Meet Rebecca from Queensland, aged 44, mum of two and Coach since 2011. Her journey with WeightWatchers® was kickstarted when she saw some candid photos of herself, but a lightbulb realisation a few months later meant losing weight went from being about ‘fixing’ how she looked for a photo to an investment in her and her family’s future. She says it’s why she knows that the 28 kg she lost in 18 months is gone for good.
Rebecca’s 'Why'
“After the birth of my second child, I’d lost a little bit of weight on my own but while I felt great being able to fit back into my pre-pregnancy clothes, I knew I still wasn’t healthy. Plus, I wanted to be an active mum, not a sit-on-the-sidelines mum. I needed to lose weight to be able to keep up with my children.”
WW works because it’s 'life friendly'
WW works for me because I can make it fit in with my life. I don’t need to eat different meals to my family, I can enjoy eating out or a takeaway meal and I’ve never felt like I have to give anything up. Plus it’s something my whole family can do, which creates a ripple effect of good health for my children.
The moment I knew this was going to last forever
In the past, I’d always had an external reason for wanting to lose weight – a birthday, my wedding, wanting to wear a certain size. But a few months after I joined WW I had a lightbulb moment. I realised that if I made life-long healthier choices, like the ones that WW teaches you, not only would I feel good for those milestone events, I’d feel good all the time. After that, things just clicked. Now, instead of looking at losing weight as being about fitting into a certain size or as a way to ‘fix’ how I look in photos or at an event, I see this as a life-long commitment to my health and wellbeing – and so I can be present every day for my loved ones. Once I made that mental shift I knew I could be successful long term.
Exercise, but not as I knew it
I love being active, but after having my knees and ankle reconstructed five times as a side effect of 15 years of playing competitive netball, I needed to work out how to be active in a way that works for me. WW helped me realise that there are so many ways to exercise that don’t require being super fit or that don’t put much stress on my joints, things like walking, swimming and yoga. Now, I make an appointment with myself to do something active every day. I put it in my diary and set an alert just like I would for any other appointment. This makes exercise non-negotiable because it just becomes part of my day’s to-do list.
There’s so much to love about how I feel now
Losing weight has made a huge difference to my life. I have so much more energy now and I’m no longer in pain with my knee and ankle joints every day. I can walk freely up and down stairs and I can ride a bike and keep up with my kids. I have so much more confidence in myself, too. I’m no longer the person on the sidelines or hiding at the back of a photo. I’m front and centre in my own life and I love it.
My professional journey
When I reached my goal, I was on maternity leave from my position as a primary school teacher. I knew I didn’t want to go back into the classroom with two children under three at home, but I also knew I needed to do something for me, something to get me back into the working world.
Becoming a Coach just made sense. With my education background, and personal experience and achievements with WW, coaching was the right move for me. I wanted to give back to the WW community that had helped support me in such a huge way throughout my journey, so when an opportunity came up to become the Coach for the Workshop I was a member at, I jumped at the chance!
It took me 18 months to lose 28 kg, and I learned so many hints and tips along the way from my fellow members. I love that I am now in a position to share these same hints and tips with members in physical Workshops on the Sunshine Coast, and virtual workshops across Australia and New Zealand. The learning journey is continuous, and I also pick up a multitude of ideas from my members, too. Knowledge is power; it is empowering.
I had tried to lose weight on my own previously, but I never seemed to be able to stick with it. I also found that if I just went to WW to weigh in, but not stay for the discussion, I didn’t seem to get the same results as when I did stay and learn from my coach and the other members. The WW community is one of the greatest sources of knowledge and support, and when you can lean on this, you know you are always going to be successful.
My own WW cookbook
I am BEYOND excited to finally share the news with you…. I have a cookbook! 🥳💃🏼📚
“Meal-Plan Your Way to Weight Loss” is on sale now!
Wendy and I have created a book we are so incredibly proud of ❤️ filled with recipes we created to help us along our own weight loss journey.
We have put together go-to storage tips, our must-have kitchen tools and pantry staples, shopping lists and sample meal plans, all designed to help you reach your weight-loss goals
I found the greatest success I had in my 28kg weight loss was when I was prepared. Meal planning not only saved my financial budget, it saved my Points budget, too! “Meal-Plan Your Way to Weight Loss” shines a light on recipes that not only help reduce your grocery bill, but also ensure you actually use everything you buy.
My cooking philosophy is make it easy, quick and delicious 😁 Our recipes come from the heart, incorporating childhood favourites and recipes Wendy and I used during our weight loss and loads of brand new recipes! 🧁🥘🥞🥗