Walking fitness plan: Week 3

Welcome to week 3
It’s a new week, and by now you should be feeling fit enough to add a little more time. Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.
Tip: Time to add more songs to the playlist (20 minutes in total). Try alternating intensity from song to song.
Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.
Tip: Time to get the exercise tracker out. Count your steps or track your kms and use it as a benchmark for the week to beat.
Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.
Tip: Walk your usual route in the opposite direction today. Get a different perspective on the world.
Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.
Tip: Vary your terrain today to add intensity. Sand or going off trail are both great options. Or you could find some fun obstacles to add, such as park play equipment.
Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.
Tip: Try adding in speed bursts between every second street corner, or between alternating lamp posts or telegraph poles.
Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.
Today is either a rest day or day to do your own choice of activity, like joining a gym class. Just remember that rest just means no planned training so don’t forget to keep your incidental exercise up by staying on your feet, walking places or enjoying active leisure activities, like a team or social sport or a family bike ride.
Intensity level
Low intensity: No hard breathing, you’re able to talk and sing easily.
Moderate intensity: Puffing slightly, you’re able to have a conversation, but not sing.
High intensity: You’re huffing and puffing, and only able to talk briefly.