
10km run fitness plan

Want to run 10km but not sure where to start? Follow this 12 week plan and you’ll get there. Improve your health and feel fitter than ever in the process.
Published 28 June 2018

10km run fitness plan

This 12-week running plan will have you smash your first 10km and help you lose weight in the process. If you find the first week too easy, start on another week that matches your current level. And if you’re not ready to move on you can repeat a week or try our walk to run plan instead. It’s about making it work for you.


How it works?

Running is the ideal way to get a great cardio workout and really give your health and weight loss a boost. And the beauty of it is just about anybody can give running a go, even if you’ve never tried it before. By consistently performing this plan you’ll be ready to run recreationally or for a 10km race or charity event. Before beginning, it’s best to get clearance from your GP if you haven’t exercised in a long time, are very overweight or have existing medical conditions before starting.


What to expect

This 12 week running plan will support you in gradually building your fitness and help you smash your first 10km. There are also some interval sessions later in the plan to really give your fitness and running an extra edge.

Low intensity: No hard breathing, you’re able to talk and sing easily.

Moderate intensity: Puffing slightly, you’re able to have a conversation, but not sing.

High intensity: You’re huffing and puffing, and only able to talk briefly.


Warm up and cool down

Remember to warm up for at least 5 minutes before every session by doing dynamic stretching and starting off at a slower pace. To cool down after the session, do a range of static stretches (where you hold still at the point of mild discomfort for 10-30 seconds) for 5 minutes. Ideal stretches include quad stretches for the front of the thigh, hamstring stretches for the back of the thigh and calf muscles, and abductor stretches for the outer thigh and bottom. For the upper body include stretches for the chest, back, and arms.