
Kristin, a member since 2015 shares her story.
Why you decided to join?
I decided to join WW because of my daughter. I have a 5-year-old-daughter and it was time that I set a healthy example for her. At my heaviest I was at a very unhealthy weight and I was headed in an unhealthy direction, so I needed to be here for her and I decided to join and get healthy for her.
What does setting a healthy example mean to you?
Setting a healthy example, for me means being active, and it means eating properly, eating healthy, and just leading a healthy lifestyle overall. I teach [my daughter] which foods are healthy, so I’m just trying to set her up for a healthy lifestyle herself.
Did you have any hesitation before joining the program?
It wasn’t hard for me to join. I had joined in the past and I knew that it worked I just never really stuck with it. I think I was ready at that point to really immerse myself in the program. I think what surprised me in the beginning of the whole program was just the amount of protein you could eat in a meal and how low the points were. I started exercising a lot so I needed the protein to keep me energized. So it surprised me that I could have 5 oz of chicken in my meal and it fit perfectly into my day.
What do you love to eat on the program?
You can eat anything on the program, that’s what’s so great about it, but I do centre my menus generally around lean protein, fruits, and vegetables. I eat a lot of fish, chicken, leafy greens – that’s pretty much my go to.
Do you prepare your own meals?
I do prepare my own meals - I love to cook, I love looking up new recipes, trying new restaurants, trying new foods, so it’s great, there are so many recipes on the Weight Watchers website that I love trying and my family too loves trying new things so it is great.
Can you talk a little bit about balance on the program and having a 5-year-old daughter.
It’s hard to keep a healthy balalnce when you are so busy, but I have a great support system, I have a lot of help from my husband and my family and we kind of make it all work. I make time to exercise and to do my workouts, and I am also a Weight Watchers leader so I do take time out for that, so my support system kind of picks up the slack.
How does your support system help you on the program?
During my journey it was difficult. I was exercising a lot, and I was doing it with my mom, she was alongside me, so I had her support, and my entire family kind of helped out. My husband is great. He really picks up the slack when I am not at home and he helps - he’s an amazing dad. I do involve my daughter a lot in cooking and in exercise part of it. We go on walks together, we swim, we do yoga together, she loves yoga, so it’s great – we get to spend time with her and get my activities in at the same time.
What’s it like to be a Weight Watchers leader?
Being a leader is much like being a member except that you are leading the conversations. I spoke a lot in my meetings, when I was a regular member. I loved my leader, she was amazing and a huge source of inspiration for me and I am very proud to call her a friend and colleague now. I love it. I love getting up and inspiring people, telling my story, and helping others along their journey, since it was so important to me; meetings and having a supportive leader and also the friends in the community. Weight Watchers is such a community of people, and they are all there for the same reason, they are all in the same boat. So the support is just amazing, and being a leader – it just makes me so happy to help others in their journey.
What is the role of community in the Weight Watchers journey?
Walking into a meeting is like walking into a room full of strangers that know exactly what you are going through. Everybody is in the same boat, everybody is sharing their story, and you draw a lot of inspiration from other people. I was inspired by two members when I began my journey and they lost a significant amount of weight, and just seeing their results and hearing their story it really made me feel like I could do it too. I had a lot of weight to lose and it seemed really daunting in the beginning, so seeing people who had done it and hearing their story really encouraged me and I think that’s what really kept me going throughout my journey. So seeing that sense of community in the Weight Watchers group is just amazing – I wouldn’t have been so successful I don’t think, had I done it alone.
Check out Kristin’s full story below!
"This will never be a "diet" for me, this has been a complete lifestyle change. I am happier, healthier and more full of life!"
My name is Kristin, I’m a 35 year old from Montreal, Quebec and I am so happy to be sharing my story with you all today! Over the past year Weight Watchers has given me all the tools and support required to make a major lifestyle change. This has in turn allowed me to adopt a much more positive and healthy approach to not only food and fitness, but to all areas of my life.
My weight loss journey began in August of 2015. I was the heaviest I had ever been and knew deep down that I was unhappy with myself and was headed in an extremely scary direction health-wise. As the proud mom of a happy, healthy and often over active toddler, I knew that it was time to make some changes and begin living a healthier lifestyle. So, I joined Weight Watchers and embraced the entire program and all of the tools and resources available to me. I had tried different diets and programs in the past but would inevitably fall back into old habits and continue to gain. This time was different This time I was determined, motivated and most importantly, I was READY!
Post-workout treat
My average day revolves largely around fruit, vegetables and protein, with some dairy and healthy grains mixed in. I generally steer clear of processed foods and anything high in fat and sugar. Portion control has been key for me, as smaller portions that are high in protein keep me full and energized throughout the day.
But let’s be honest. While healthy choices are important, there are just some things we don’t want to give up! It’s summer and it’s hot! My favourite cold beverage this time of year is a nice tall ice cappuccino, yum! At 15 + SmartPoints values, they really do not fit into my daily SmartPoints. I now make my own equally satisfying version! ½ cup 1% chocolate milk, 5 frozen coffee cubes, 1 tbsp frozen cool whip, and blend! At only 5 SmartPoints values, it is the perfect post workout treat!
Family activity
When I started this journey it was clear that I had 100 plus pounds to lose, so I knew that toning would be essential. I started by following a low impact circuit training video which focused on both cardio and weight training. As time went on and the weather got warmer, I began walking every morning with my mom. I bought a bicycle (the first in about 20 years) and began taking two exercise classes per week- AquaFit and step or core. The more I embraced fitness the better I felt! Today I walk on average 8kms per day, often bike in the evening, and still find time for a class or two during the week. I involve my 3 year old daughter whenever possible. Frisbee at the park, swimming, and long walks by the water allow me to spend time with her while being active!
Experiencing life
For me, fulfillment means many things. A few months into the program (and also into winter!) it became apparent that I needed something to occupy not only my hands but also my mind. This would keep me on track and help me avoid the winter blues and boredom. I began making and selling adorable little all natural soy candles. Everyone loved them and things really took off from there! Now, my little business keeps me busy while giving me a creative outlet and amazing sense of pride and accomplishment. Above all else, fulfillment for me is being the best person I can be and being able to experience life with my family in ways I never could before!
Full of life
Weight Watchers has helped me gain control over my weight, my health and my life. Meetings have been essential and my WW leader, Nancy, has been a constant source of support and inspiration for me. The Beyond the Scale approach continuously motivates me to make positive choices in all areas of my life and has helped me become a much happier person all around. I am currently almost one year into this amazing journey and have lost 108lbs to date! This will never be a “diet” for me, this has been a complete lifestyle change. I am happier, healthier and more full of life!
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