9 non-scale victories worth celebrating

Just like life, your wellness journey isn’t linear—it’s filled with ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t making hard-won progress. So, while your weight may fluctuate, it’s important to note that it’s just one measure of success. The others? We call them non-scale victories, and they include everything from clothes that fit better to not having to use the lap belt extender on a plane to, quite simply, feeling more energized.
Non-scale victories = small, everyday measures of wellness that aren’t tied to your weight.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you should just throw your scale out the window (something we’ve all been tempted to do from time to time). Rather, focusing on your non-scale victories, or NSVs, will help you realize that you’re making legit, life-changing progress. Plus, acknowledging breakthroughs beyond the numbers can help keep you positive. You don’t have to be the next Ted Lasso, but approaching each day with optimism can motivate you to make better-for-you choices—and hey, that's what WW is really about. Want some NSV inspo? Here’s some of the ways that WW members have described their non-scale victories:
9 Non-Scale Victories Worth Celebrating
1. You’re building confidence.
“This journey has taught me that I don’t have to hide. I don’t have to feel embarrassed. I can wear crop tops—and even if I didn’t lose a single pound, I would still think that.” (Shannon M.)
2. You’re feelin’ yourself (as you should).
“I have noticed that I do not have as many negative thoughts about myself. I am happier and more confident overall because I know that I am on the right track!” (Victoria K.)
3. You’re making moves—literally.
“I have the energy and drivr to break up long stretches of sitting with online workout videos.” (Angie W.)
4. You’re doing things you never thought possible.
“For the first time in my life, I’m training for the New York City Marathon! I was never able to run, even when I was a kid. If I ran half a block, I’d get a stomach ache. Now I can get up to 7 miles and I feel amazing.” (Beatriz F.)
5. You’re making powerful mental shifts.
“I’m able to shift my perspective from ‘there’s so much I need to do to reach my goals’ to ‘focus on today.’ For example, I tracked my Points® within 24 hours—that’s major! Learning how to exist in the present helps me to stay consistent more than anything else.” (Jessie D.)
6. You’re excited to shop.
“I tried on a sweater dress in my usual size but it turned out to be three sizes too big! I had to ask for a smaller one. Body dysmorphia is a real thing, but in this moment, I felt happy and proud of myself for how far I’ve come.” (Jacqueline S.)
7. You’re keeping up with the kiddos.
“I’m no longer the mom on the sidelines. I am the mom in the game, being able to stay active and keep up with my son.” (Stef D.)
8. You’re stepping out of your comfort zone.
“I now love being active with my family. I’d even choose an outdoor activity over going out to dinner, which is a huge shift for me!” (Andrea S.)
9. You’re eating healthier foods—and loving them too!
“I’m eating more vegetables now than ever before. I love collard greens, turnips, cabbage—and I’ve noticed that eating more of these makes me feel so much better.” (Zackory K.)