It’s a family affair
“The thing I love about WW is that I don’t need to cook several different meals. The same food I want to eat suits the whole family. My husband has lost a significant amount of weight without even really trying – he just eats the same way I do. The best thing is we still eat the same meals we’ve always enjoyed, they’re just healthier versions now. So we’ll still have steak and chips with a mushroom sauce, but the steak is grilled instead of fried, the chips are made minus loads of oil and I use yoghurt instead of cream to make the sauce.
And because curries have always been a family favourite, now I make a ZeroPoint chicken curry, which gives me the freedom to enjoy a glass of wine with it. It’s one of the reasons why, in the 10 months it took me to reach my goal weight, I never felt like I was depriving myself of anything.”

Honestly, you can’t not stick to this
“There’s not one single thing that’s challenging about doing WW. With all the ZeroPoint foods and the simplicity of everything, you can’t not stick to it.
In the past, I’ve waged a bit of a war with carbohydrates, treating them as the enemy and believing you couldn’t eat them and lose weight at the same time. So I banned them. But because they’re low Point foods, it’s given me confidence to eat and enjoy them again – and it’s been a real eye opener. I’m eating potatoes and rice and pasta and I’ve lost weight. That’s been such a good learning experience.”
The WW community is amazing
“It’s amazing. I first joined WW to follow the program online which suited me because at the time I was quite shy and insecure and I thought I wanted to do it by myself. But I underestimated how much encouragement I’d need and how much I’d receive from the Connect community. It’s simple to access using the WW app and there’s always someone on there to motivate and uplift you – they become your WW family.”
I’ve got a new job thanks to WW
“Given how shy I felt when I first joined WW and that back then, the idea of standing up in front of a group of people was incredibly daunting for me, I’m proud to say that I’m now a WW Coach. I run three Workshops a week and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. I absolutely love it.”

And I’ve found a ‘new me’
“I’ve learnt to like myself and I never miss out on pool or beach trips with my children anymore. Thanks to WW, I’ve got my confidence – and my life – back.”