Tracking Points® vs. calorie counting

Calories matter, but focusing on calories alone may not help you reach your health goals.
Calorie counting without looking at other nutrients may not result in a healthy eating pattern, which is crucial for both weight loss and reducing the risk of disease.
For instance, 100 calories worth of cookies doesn’t have the same nutritional value as 100 calories of turkey, tofu or veggies.
Healthy eating made simple
WeightWatchers' Points system drills down into complex nutritional science, and simplifies it by giving each food and drink a simple Points value (one easy-to-use number). You can determine at a glance which foods are more nutritious.
So, how are Points calculated?
- Calories form the baseline
- Added sugar and saturated fat drive the number up
- Protein, fibre and unsaturated fats bring the number down
Don't worry - we do all the maths!
Points is based on the latest nutritional science, and gently guides you towards a healthier pattern of eating with more lean protein and non-starchy veggies, and fewer foods containing added sugar and saturated fats.And while calories form the baseline, we don't do calorie counting. At all.
Your Points Budget
When you join WeightWatchers, you'll be given a personalised daily Points Budget. It’s up to you how you spend them.
In addition to your daily Budget, you also have a weekly allowance for added flexibility. You can use this as a cushion if you’re going out for a meal, or just fancy a treat.
You also have the option to save four Points per day and roll these over into your weeklies. Find out more about rollovers.
Plus, you can now add Points to your daily and weekly Budget with the following healthy behaviours: eating non-starchy veggies, being active and drinking water.