These 10 things will help you sleep better
The National Sleep Foundation recommends getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night for optimum energy levels and a slew of other benefits. Here's how to get back on the sleep track with some solid zzz's at night:
1. Stick to a routine
“It’s best to keep your wake-up times consistent and not sleep in too late on the weekends,” says insomnia researcher Professor Leon Lack from the School of Psychology at Flinders University, Melbourne. “Sleeping late encourages your body clock to drift forward, making it difficult to get to sleep early enough in the evening to get adequate sleep.”
2. Get some sunshine
Before you start your day, try to get out for an early morning walk or jog – and don’t wear sunglasses. “Exposure to morning sunlight is crucial for setting your body clock,” explains Professor Lack. “Indoor light isn’t usually strong enough, so you need to get outdoors into the sunlight.”
3. Get some exercise
Workouts are a top-notch stress zapper and sleep promoter, but they need to be timed right, advises Dr John Swieca, medical director of the Melbourne Sleep Disorders Centre. “Doing vigorous exercise in the evening increases your adrenaline levels, making it harder for you to get to sleep. I’d recommend exercising earlier on if possible, since it has an alerting effect for the first half of the day.”
4. Have a siesta
Feeling shattered after a restless night? “A midday nap is probably the best way to make up for it and get in some extra sleep,” says Professor Lack. If you can manage it, he recommends napping for an hour or whatever time you can spare. “Alternatively, a brief 10-minute nap can alleviate drowsiness for a few hours and help you get through the day.”
5. Limit your caffeine
A shot of caffeine to combat the afternoon slump may be doing you more harm than good. “Tolerance for caffeine varies among individuals, but if you find falling asleep difficult, avoid caffeinated drinks a good four hours and up to eight hours before bedtime,” recommends accredited practising dietitian Pip Golley. So, swap that afternoon latte for a cup of herbal tea instead.
6. Eat a balanced meal
“Enjoying a healthy, balanced diet promotes a sense of wellbeing and may also help to encourage a good night’s sleep,” says Golley. “Ensure you're eating plenty of wholegrains, fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meat, legumes and low-fat dairy foods.” Looking for a sleep-friendly dessert? Bananas are a good source of muscle-relaxing magnesium, so simply slicing up a banana into a small bowl of low-fat yogurt could help you drift into a deeper sleep.
7. Turn off your computer
“Our body clock needs dim light in the evening to let it know it’s time to rest,” says Dr Swieca. So, when bedtime nears, avoid bright lights – including the blue light emitted from televisions, computer screens, tablets and smartphones. “It’s important to create a separation between the busyness of the day and the time you’re meant to rest and sleep,” he adds. “That means not checking emails and not doing stimulating activities for about an hour before bedtime.”
8. Head to bed a little earlier than usual
Routine is key, but if you’re feeling sleepy don’t wait until your usual bedtime, Professor Lack advises. “Giving yourself an extra half an hour or hour of sleep on a regular basis will increase your efficiency during the day, improve the way you feel and make life a little more pleasant.”
9. Don’t panic!
If you don’t sleep for a solid eight hours, try not to worry about it. “Waking up periodically in the middle of the night, between our 90-minute sleep cycles, is perfectly normal,” says Dr Swieca. “But some people create a conditioned response to it, and their anxiety rises and they remain wakeful.” If this is you, Dr Swieca suggests a technique known as stimulus control. “If you’re awake for what feels like 20 minutes or so, get out of bed and find a relaxing book to read in another room. When you start to feel drowsy again, go back to bed. There’s good evidence to suggest that this can make it easier to get to sleep.”
10. Cool down
A calm and relaxed environment is one of the best ways to encourage better sleep. Try investing in high-quality sheets and pillows for a more luxury feel, consider changing out your old mattress and keep your bedroom at a cool 16-18°C for optimal comfort. A room that’s too warm or too cold can interrupt sleep, as your body heat is at its lowest levels when you’re asleep.
Temperatures over 24°C are thought to be too hot, while anything under 12°C is too cool for good quality sleep.
And finally... sleep track
You're Smart fitness device does more than count steps and measure heart rate. Set up your fitness device to track your sleep, and sync it with the WeightWatchers app. You'll start to get a picture of how and when your sleep is interrupted- and just what you can do, using our tips above, to make changes. Sweet dreams!