Members reveal… Eight get-to-goal secrets!

Want to get to goal and stay there? Find out how some of our happy, healthy members did it
1. Get excited about dinner: ‘Writing my blog ( means I am constantly creating new and exciting recipes,’ says Janey, who lost 3st. ‘Basically, I am always excited about dinner!’ Our tip? Don’t get into a food rut. Share your own tips and dinner recipes online.
2. Keep some of your ‘big’ clothes: ‘I still have a pair of size-24 trousers that I get out every now and again,’ says Tanya, who lost 7st 7lb. ‘I can fit both legs into one trouser leg now, so they’re a brilliant reminder of how far I’ve come.’
3. Think outside the gym: While exercise is vital for staying healthy, many members don’t go to a gym, but stay active in other ways. ‘I walk to and from work, I walk my dog, and I have a cross trainer and a treadmill in my garage,’ says member Joanne, who lost 3st 6lb. ‘Even if I only do a little, I do something active every day.’
4. Start the day with porridge: ‘I have eaten a bowl of porridge every morning since joining WW,’ says Claire, who lost 1st 5lb. ‘Porridge played a big part in my journey and keeping me at goal because it helps me to feel full until lunch.’ Try spicing up your porridge with a sprinkling of cinnamon or nutmeg, or add kiwi fruit and pineapple for a tropical twist.
5. Keep kitchen scales in sight: Even when you know your recipes backwards, you might still come across food items that need to be weighed. ‘My kitchen scales are permanently out where I can see them,’ says Norma, who lost 1st.
6. Make your home a WW home: It might be worth investing in a couple of gadgets, such as a decent pedometer to make getting to and staying at goal even easier. ‘Having WW cookbooks in my kitchen and a magazine in the lounge helps to keep me healthy,’ says Claire.
7. Write yourself a letter: You could do this at any point in your journey to motivate yourself – and when you get to goal, too. ‘When I finally got to goal, having lost 8st 3lb, I wrote myself a letter including all the reasons why I had to stay slim. Not only for my health, but for my own personal happiness too,’ says Katy. ‘I keep the letter in my bedside cabinet and whenever I have a wobble I pick it up and read it.’
8. Trust the process: Don’t underestimate the good habits you’re learning on your weight loss journey. ‘Even tiny things, such as asking for dressing on the side in a restaurant or offering to take a healthy pud if you’re going to a friend’s for dinner, can make the difference,’ says Tanya.