Make time for ‘me time’

Do you rarely put yourself first? Struggle to find time for yourself? Here are three reasons to make time for 'me' time.
1. You’ll get space to think...
...which could help you work through how you’re feeling about something, tackle a problem, or make plans that will support a healthy week such as drawing up a meal plan or fitness schedule. Have an hour to yourself on Sunday morning? Use it to flip through WW cookbooks or the magazine and pull out recipes that will help you stay on track.
2. You’ll be able to relax and unwind...
...which is an important part of staying healthy in both mind and body. Do something creative you enjoy, go for a walk, attend a yoga class, or take a bath – whatever helps you feel calm. It could help recharge your system, so you’ll feel more energetic and ready to take on the next challenge. Feeling refreshed won’t just help you stick to plan and stay on track, it could also help you find the energy to handle day-to-day tasks too.
3. You may learn something new about yourself...
...such as a talent you didn’t know you had, or a dislike for a certain activity. Uncovering these facts about yourself could help inform healthy decision-making, such as which workout to try next or what foods you might put on the menu this week. Time alone gives you space to be more introspective and focus on yourself, which allows you the freedom to truly be yourself. Take advantage of this by trying a new food, exercise or hobby – you may just discover something you really love.