Going for goal
While there’s nothing at all wrong with having a big overall goal – in fact, it’s great! – it’s worth asking yourself how you are going to actually get there?
The answer is surprisingly simple: by setting and reaching smaller goals along the way to reaching your larger goal. Simply focusing on the task you need to do to reach your goal increases the likelihood of being successful over time. Plus, you’ll build healthy habits along the way. Sounds great, right? Here’s a clever technique to make it work.
What to do: prioritise setting a weekly behavioural goal and use the below STAR principle to make it…
Start by being really clear on what you want to do, and the details of how you’ll accomplish it. Want to go for a run twice a week? Plan which days you’ll do it, where you’ll go and who might join you.
It’s important to be realistic about what you can actually accomplish. If you know week nights are a little bit nuts for you, carve out time on Sunday for running. When you’re set up for success, it’s more likely you’ll complete (and repeat!) your goal.
It’s much easier to focus on doing something, rather than on stopping something – think ‘I want to run’ versus ‘I want to stop skipping a workout’. This thought process helps you to picture what you’re trying to achieve.
Goals should be about what you want to do, not what you think you should do. Does running move you towards something larger that you truly want to achieve? If so, that will make it extra meaningful – and powerful – in your day-to-day life.