Drink aware: WW nutritionist shares a Points guide to top tipples

Alcohol and health
The relationship between health and alcohol is complex. Media is overloaded with mixed and conflicting messages about alcohol and its effect on our health.
One moment you could find evidence suggesting that moderate amounts are linked to great health benefits, and the next you might be scrolling through your phone and come across articles indicating that alcohol can be very addictive and toxic – completely contradicting that red wine, which is believed to have health benefits due to its flavonoid content (a type of antioxidant) has any positive effect on our heart health.
The truth is that alcohol does contain empty calories and can contribute to weight gain, and excessive drinking can also lead to a wide range of health problems, including cancer, liver disease, stroke, high blood pressure and in some cases affect mental health. The list is endless – according to Alcohol Concern, it’s estimated that alcohol can be the cause of more than 60 medical conditions! Now that’s something to think about...
Alcohol affects everyone differently
However, it’s important to remember that alcohol affects everyone differently. This is dependent on a wide range of factors, such as genetic make-up, general health, weight and age. Furthermore, it also depends on the type and the amount of alcohol consumed, and whether you’re drinking on an empty stomach or not.
On a big night out or even when you’re enjoying a leisurely glass or two of wine, alcohol gets absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the lining of the stomach. This happens quickly, and alcohol is carried in the blood to all parts of the body including the brain and muscles, which can affect our judgement and co‐ordination – sometimes almost instantly.
Know your units
The reality is that more than 90% of people in the UK drink alcohol. Yet, most of us are not certain what the alcohol guidelines are.
Previously, women were advised to drink no more than 2-3 units a day and men no more than 3-4. However, the current guidelines advise that both men and women drink below 14 units of alcohol, spread across the week.
Calculating units and Points
As we all know, the alcohol content in drinks varies dramatically. Units are an easy way to measure a drink's alcohol content. This is usually expressed by the standard measure ABV (alcohol by volume), which is displayed on all alcoholic products by law. The ABV content affects the number of units there are in a measure, and the Points® value of a drink.
Here are a few examples of how many units there are in different strengths of white wine:
- 175ml glass of 8% wine = 1.4 units
- 175ml glass of 12% wine = 2.1 units
- 175ml glass of 16% wine = 2.8 units
Tip: to calculate the units yourself, you need to know the strength of the drink (ABV) and amount of liquid in millilitres (e.g. a standard glass of wine is 175ml). You simply multiply the amount of drink in ml by the percentage ABV, and then divide by 1,000.
For example, if you order a standard glass of wine (8% ABV): 175ml glass of wine x 8 (% ABV) ÷ 1,000 = 1.4 units in total
If this is too complicated or time-consuming, you can always use an online unit calculator. DrinkAware has designed an easy to use Unit and Calorie Counter, which calculates the units for you.
Scroll down to discover the Points values of your favourite tipples.
Wine, lager, spirits and liqueurs
Prosecco | Medium glass, 175ml | 5P |
Red wine | Medium glass, 175ml | 4P |
White wine | Medium glass, 175ml | 4P |
Rosé wine | Medium glass, 175ml | 5P |
Port | Pub measure, 50ml | 3P |
Medium sherry | Pub measure, 50ml | 2P |
Gin | Pub measure, 25ml | 2P |
Vodka | Pub measure, 25ml | 2P |
Whisky | Pub measure, 25ml | 2P |
Rum | Pub measure, 25ml | 2P |
Irish Cream Liqueur | Pub measure, 25ml | 4P |
Lager | 1 pint, 568ml | 6P |
Amaretto Liqueur | Pub measure, 25ml | 3P |
Cointreau Liqueur | Pub measure, 25ml | 3P |
Schnapps, Fruit Flavour | Pub measure, 25ml | 3P |
Cola | 1 can, 330ml | 10P |
Diet Cola | 1 can, 330ml | 0P |
Lemonade | 1 can, 330ml | 6P |
Diet Lemonade | 1 can, 330ml | 0P |
Orange juice | 150ml | 2P |
Soda water | 150ml | 0P |
Tonic water | 1 can, 150ml | 3P |
Slimline tonic water | 1 can, 150ml | 0P |
Hangover cures: fact or fiction?
We all know that drinking more than our bodies can cope with can result in a real struggle the next day! Excess drinking can lead to a really rough hangover and sometimes completely throw you off plan.
Unfortunately, there are no cures for a hangover (nope, not even a bacon sandwich). The best way to deal with a hangover is to rehydrate your body as much as you can, so drink plenty of water. If you’re not a fan of plain drinking water, try adding a slice of fresh lemon or ginger, or if you want a fruity variant choose a low sugar fruit squash (but make sure you check the points first).
NOW READ: Why you should drink a glass of water right now
Alcohol and staying on track
Using some of your Points Budget on alcohol potentially means leaving yourself with fewer Points to ‘spend’ on foods containing the nutrients needed for good health.
Alcohol is high in Points and of no nutritional value – added to which, too much alcohol can often make us crave foods that are high in Points, like a greasy fry-up (even though there’s no scientific evidence it will help us feel better).
You’re much better off having a healthier breakfast packed with vitamins and minerals, which can top up depleted resources.
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy an odd social drink here and there. Just make smart choices and plan where you can – get as much information as possible about what and when you’re going to be drinking and allocate your Points Budget accordingly. Why not use our brilliant barcode scanner in the WW app to check the Points values of your drinks?
With just a little bit of advance planning you can max the flexibility of your Budget and have a great time without feeling like you’ve lost control. If spontaneity is more your thing, a little bit of retro-guesstimating is a good idea after the event.
If you’ve decimated your Points Budget, firstly don't panic - nobody's perfect! Why not dance till you drop on the night or make time for exercise the next day? You could also prepare healthy meals for the following day after a night out so you aren't tempted by the idea of a takeaway.
My top tips
- Match every alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic one, ideally water or a low-calorie soft drink, to help lower your alcohol intake.
- Use low-calorie mixers with spirits, or sparkling or soda water. Avoid full-sugar versions that are high in Points. If you prefer wine to spirits, choose a spritzer to increase the volume of your drink without adding calories.
- Check the size of the glass or measure of alcohol so that you can accurately calculate the Points. Always have water on the table, too. Tap water is free, and if it’s there you’re more likely to drink it.
- Eating a meal before drinking slows the absorption of alcohol, and also may help you stay on track when there are lots of nibbles circulating.
- Drinking plenty of water before you go to sleep may help prevent a hangover. Keep a glass of water by your bed to sip if you wake up during the night.
- Check the size of the glass or measure of the drink so that you can accurately calculate the Points.