6 awesome autumn crumble recipes
With the temperatures dropping and the nights drawing in, there's definitely been a seasonal shift towards autumn.
It's always tough saying goodbye to summer, but autumn has its perks, from stunning colours to providing us with the perfect excuse to eat lots of crumbles.
Autumn offers up a bounty of delicious fruit and veg. The hedgerows are bursting with blackberries, new fruits are in season - think plums, figs & pears - and cooking apples are front and centre of the fruit aisles.
Where better to start than a comforting fruit crumble? From classic apple and blackberry to rhubarb and ginger, here are six autumnal crumbles perfect for the whole family.
Bonus: A homemade crumble could even earn you some FitPoints®! With blackberries growing wild (try hedgerows along footpaths and country roads), blackberry picking is a great way to get outside and get some steps in.