How Victoria lost more than 50kg on WeightWatchers®

Victoria's weight loss journey
Having lost 53kg over three years, Victoria has gained insights into effective weight management strategies – and she understands the importance of having well-designed tools and access to support throughout the journey. She emphasizes that these elements played a significant role in her success with WW, unlike other weight loss programs, eating plans, or strategies she's tried before. This confidence in sustained weight loss stems from the combination of effective tools and ongoing support.
Victoria’s ‘why’
“I saw a few photographs of myself that had been taken at my brother’s wedding. It was the moment that I knew something had to change. I had to start making my health and wellbeing a priority.”
The WW tools are game changers
“There’s a huge variety of them, all of which you get as soon as you become a WW member to help you on your journey. From the online exercise classes to the food tracker and the recipe builder, I use them all. My favourite tool is the ‘What’s in your fridge?’ feature which I use to find recipes based on the ingredients I have at home when I haven’t planned dinner. The WW tools helped me lose weight and they still help me now. I’ll never stop using them because they’re not only useful for losing weight, they’re useful for everyday life.”
Having support makes a huge difference
“The other thing you’re instantly surrounded by when you join WW is support. The motivation, encouragement and inspiration you get from fellow members is amazing. It’s like you’re suddenly part of the WW family and that makes such a big, positive difference.”
I think about food differently now
“The great thing about WW is that rather than telling you what to eat or supplying you with meals, you actually learn how to eat healthier and the importance of considering your portions but at the same time, nothing is off limits so it’s incredibly versatile. I’d say the biggest difference to the way I eat now is that I’ve learned to recognise when I’m full and I also think before I eat, considering if certain foods are ‘worth it’ instead of simply mindlessly eating. My relationship with food has changed so much. Now I even create my own recipes with the help of the recipe builder on the WW app, and share them on Instagram.”
The key to exercising regularly is actually pretty simple
“Try different classes and activities until you find one – or some – that you enjoy the most. I do yoga most days now because I really love it, which means it’s never a ‘chore’ or something I want to avoid or find excuses to get out of doing. I do Zumba classes for the same reason and I recently got a puppy, Oliver, too, which means getting out for a walk every day is also a must now.”