Two-ingredient dough

Despite its convenience and ever-presence on breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus, bread can chip away at your daily Points Budget until there's no room for dessert.
Enter, two-ingredient dough, an exception to the otherwise valid complaint that baking can be laborious. A seemingly magical cooking hack, two-ingredient dough is made from combining self-raising flour and plain 99% fat-free Greek yoghurt—that's it! And because Greek yoghurt is a ZeroPoint food, the only Points you need to count come from the flour.
On top of two-ingredient dough's simplicity, the recipe's main selling point is the fact that it can be used to make lower Points versions of staples such as bagels, dinner rolls, and wraps. Yes, you can enjoy store bought versions of any of these. But a little creativity in the kitchen can help you make the most of your budget—and feel like a bona fide baker!
Really, the sky is the limit. After all, two-ingredient dough can be used as a base to appeal to anything a carb-lover feels like eating. Fancy a cinnamon scroll or a soft pretzel? A pizza? Go for it! Most recipes simply call for combining the two ingredients, shaping the dough on a floured surface, then popping it into an oven heated to 180°C for about 10-15 minutes. The rest is on you!
To experiment appropriately, there are some staples to keep in your pantry: Sesame seeds can turn two-ingredient dough into stellar hamburger buns or dinner rolls. Everything bagel spice can make your homemade bagels taste like they were made in a professional bakery. And pizza toppings like tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese can turn your yoghurt-flour combo into an Italian masterpiece. And don't forget that "bread" can also be flattened into a wrap and topped with grilled chicken and tzatziki to go Greek, or kneaded to form a Mexican "tostada" topped with refried beans, corn, and crumbled cheese.
Oh, and if you don't have self-raising flour for two-ingredient dough on hand, you can always make your own: Start with 1 cup of plain flour (whole-wheat or gluten-free alternatives should work just as well) and add 1½ teaspoons of baking powder and ½ teaspoon of salt.
Now that you know an insider hack for maximising your Points without sacrificing your favourite carbs, get creative! Trust us—making homemade bread, pizza, bagels, and more will make you feel like a professional baker. And once you try your hand at this two-ingredient dough recipe, try again! Your bread-baking skills are only going to get better.