Walking fitness plan

Want to be a walker but don’t know where to start? This 4 week plan will get you going.
Published 26 June 2018 | Updated 25 June 2024

If you want to dial up your fitness efforts but feel intimidated, don’t worry: Exercise doesn’t have to be super-intense or punishing to be effective. In fact, you might be surprised to learn that walking is one of the most beneficial forms of low-impact activity. Not to mention, it generally doesn't require a fancy gym membership or special equipment, and you already have the moves memorised: One foot in front of the other! Walking is a foundational exercise, says Michele Stanten, a certified fitness instructor. “It’s an activity that can bridge all life stages and is something you can come back to again and again,” she adds.

Beginners walking fitness plan

Walking plan

If you’re new to exercise or want to become a walker then this plan’s for you! It’ll ease you into it and progress your walking fitness as you get going. For variety, spice it up by walking with a friend, listening to music or podcasts.

How it works?

Walking can burn as many kilojoules as slow jogging. In fact, brisk walking burns about the same number of kilojoules per kilometre as slow jogging – but it obviously takes longer to cover the same distance if you walk. Walking is also kinder to joints as it’s lower impact. This plan will introduce you to walking, get you fitter and healthier, and can help you lose weight.

What to expect?

This plan will take you from the couch to 30 minutes of walking in just 4 weeks. If you find the first week too easy, start on another week that matches your current level. And if you’re not ready to move on you can repeat a week. It’s about making it work for you.

Low intensity: No hard breathing, you’re able to talk and sing easily.

Moderate intensity: Puffing slightly, you’re able to have a conversation, but not sing.

High intensity: You’re huffing and puffing, and only able to talk briefly.

Warm up and cool down

Remember to warm up and cool down before and after every session. Start off and finish at a slower pace and do a range of static stretches afterwards (holding stretch still), especially for the lower body. Hold each stretch for 10 to 30 seconds until you feel some resistance. Ideal stretches include quad stretches for the front of the thigh, hamstring stretches for the back of the thigh and calf muscles, and abductor stretches for the outer thigh and bottom.

Week 1

Week 1 Walking plan

Monday: Walk for 10 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Walk 5 minutes then turn around and walk back.

Tuesday: Walk for 10 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Make a playlist of your favourite songs that adds roughly up to 10 minutes.

Wednesday: Walk for 10 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Need to test your intensity? Sing along to your playlist. If you can easily sing along you’re at the right intensity for this session.

Thursday: Today is an optional rest day. Take the day off if you need it. But if you’re keen for more try something different, or any activity you enjoy.

Friday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Wear an activity Tracker today and see how many steps you can do, or how much distance you can cover.

Saturday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Have your steps or distance increased from yesterday? See if you can do a little more today.

Sunday: Today is a rest day. Rest means no planned training. But don’t forget to keep your incidental exercise up for general health by staying on your feet, walking places or enjoying active leisure activities, like a family bike ride.

Week 2

Week 2 Walking plan

Monday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Vary your walking route, find a buddy or update your playlist music (15 minutes worth).

Tuesday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a low to moderate intensity. It’s time to up the ante!

Tip: If you’re not ready to walk at moderate intensity the whole time, alternate 1 minute of each intensity, or go a little faster every second song.

Wednesday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Each day try to walk a bit further in the same time.

Thursday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a low to moderate intensity. It’s time to up the ante!

Tip: Try to make the majority of your walk moderate intensity if you can. Tomorrow will be low intensity so don’t be scared to push yourself a little today.

Friday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a low intensity.

Tip: Use an app, like Map My Run, to track whether you’re walking further in the same amount of time. It’s a great way to see improvements in your fitness.

Saturday: Walk for 15 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity. It’s time to up the ante again!

Tip: A great way to add intensity is to walk stairs or hills. Find some in your area that you can use on your walk.

Sunday: Today is a rest day.

Week 3

Week 3 Walking plan

Monday: It’s a new week, and by now you should be feeling fit enough to add a little more time. Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: Time to add more songs to the playlist (20 minutes in total). Try alternating intensity from song to song.

Tuesday: Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: Time to get the exercise tracker out. Count your steps or track your kms and use it as a benchmark for the week to beat.

Wednesday: Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: Walk your usual route in the opposite direction today. Get a different perspective on the world.

Thursday: Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: Vary your terrain today to add intensity. Sand or going off trail are both great options. Or you could find some fun obstacles to add, such as park play equipment.

Friday: Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: Try adding in speed bursts between every second street corner, or between alternating lamp posts or telegraph poles.

Saturday: Walk for 20 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Sunday: Today is either a rest day or day to do your own choice of activity, like joining a gym class.

Week 4

Week 4 Walking plan

Monday: Walk for 30 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: By the end of this week, you will have reached your walking goal, so plan a little reward.

Tuesday: Walk for 30 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: Try to add some longer stints of high intensity today for a challenge and some extra kilojoule burning. You could try a ratio of 2 minutes high to 1 minute moderate intensity.

Wednesday: Walk for 30 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: If you’re feeling a little tired from yesterday, use this day as a moderate walk with a few high intensity bursts. Gear up for a higher intensity walk tomorrow.

Thursday: Walk for 30 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: Let’s make today a hills or stairs day. Not only will it help to up the intensity, but it will also work to tone your legs and bottom too.

Friday: Walk for 30 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: It’s your second last walk day on this plan so make the most of it and plan a little reward for tomorrow like a new cap or drink bottle.

Saturday: Walk for 30 minutes continuously, at a moderate to high intensity.

Tip: It’s your last walk day on this plan! Get your favourite music pumping and get ready to finish strong.

Sunday: It’s your own choice day, so mix it up. It’s entirely up to you. Go for a swim, or try a dance class or jump on your bike with the family. The sky’s the limit.