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WW Studio @ Tri-Valley YMCA

607 Criscross Road
Fleetwood, PA 19522
Live/In-Person workshops are open at all WW Studios in the Philadelphia area. To access the workshop times, click on the Studio name. Check-in begins 30 minutes prior to the Workshop time listed. WW Philadelphia is accepting all forms of payment, including cash and checks. Need local assistance? Call 215.648.1000 during business hours or email info@wwphl.com
Upcoming In-Person Workshops (Check-Ins begin 30 minutes before Workshop time listed below)
Important Announcements
Live/In-Person workshops are open at all WW Studios in the Philadelphia area. To access the workshop times, click on the Studio name. Check-in begins 30 minutes prior to the Workshop time listed. Those wishing to Weigh-in Only may do so at the Workshop times listed. WW Philadelphia Workshops are accepting all methods of payment including cash and checks. WW Philadelphia continues to offer virtual workshops and you will receive your Virtual Workshop passcode at the Studio or via an email sent from jbirnhak@wwphl.com on Saturday afternoons. For a full schedule of virtual workshops please go to https://www.wwphl.com/virtual-schedules/. Need local assistance? Call 215.648.1000 during business hours or email info@wwphl.com

Join us! Our Studio is open 30 minutes prior to and immediately following a Workshop for your Weekly Check-in. Walk-ins are always welcome, and, while not required, you may also RSVP.

  • If you are not feeling well, please stay home for yourself and others
  • Members are required to wear footwear when weighing in
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