The One Hundred – Pilates

Learn proper form and target specific muscles with this quick exercise demo.
Step 1
Lie on a mat with knees bent and feet and knees hip-width apart.

Step 2
Exhale and draw your navel in toward your spine as you lift up one leg at a time until knees are above the hips.

Step 3
Exhale and lift up head and shoulders, bringing your arms up parallel to the floor.

Step 4
Keep your head and legs still and abdominals flat as you beat your arms up and down (as if pressing against springs), inhaling for 5 arm beats and exhaling 5 arm beats.

Step 5
Exhale and lower head and arms back to floor, then lower one leg at a time back to the floor.

Step 6
Start with as many arm beats as you can comfortably manage, gradually building up to 100 each time.

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