setting your winning outcome

Getting To What You Want
Setting Your Winning Outcome
When we wish for things, we're often not thinking about what to do to make that wish come true. "I wish I had a million dollars," for example. Or "I wish I were famous." There's no intent written into wishes.

With wants, on the other hand, there's action involved. When you want to get a new job, for example, you start looking. Your mind-set shifts when you want things, and you begin to form plans and establish goals. The first step to getting what you want is knowing what you want.

Making The Most Of Your Want Power
You've probably heard your Leader or other Meetings members talking about how will power doesn't matter. It's want power that makes wishes come true. Make a list of all your weight-loss wishes, and then decide which ones you want to put on your weight-loss want list.

Winning Outcomes, a powerful tool from Weight Watchers Tools For Living, can help. It can help you turn "if only" thinking into "it's possible" thinking, bringing you closer to getting what you want.

Winning Outcomes are different from goals, though, because they fall within a certain set of guidelines. Here's what you need to know:
  • Winning Outcomes are stated in the positive. Stating your Winning Outcome in the negative will only tell you what you don't want. For example, "I want to weigh 140 pounds" makes it clear what you want to achieve; "I don't want to be heavy anymore" doesn't.

  • Winning Outcomes are specific. They specifically answer the questions: who, where, when, what and how.

  • Winning Outcomes are under your control. Can you achieve them on your own, without help, if you have to?

  • Winning Outcomes are a good fit with your life. If you'd have to give up things that you like about your current life in order to achieve them, perhaps they're not a good fit.

Click here for more information about Winning Outcomes. And at your next Meeting, ask the friends around you about their Winning Outcomes. You can click "Next" for more advice on the power of want power, too. You'll:
  • Learn how to "Achieve Your Goals."

  • Find out how to stay "I Think I Can."

  • Get tips on "7 Steps To Achieving Your Goals."

  • Read about "Changing From The Inside Out."


Make It to a Meeting

Did you know that people who lose weight with the support of a group have better success than those who go it alone? So get the support you need this week! Visit the Meeting Finder to check times and locations.


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