Body Sculpting: Beginner

Build muscle, burn fat, and look fabulous. Yes, it is as easy as following this 6-move, do-anywhere workout.

Working out with weights—be it dumbbells, machines, or just your body weight—is an essential part of being fit and maintaining lean muscle when you’re working to lose weight (get even more facts about it here). Muscle burns a lot more calories than fat does, so the more muscle you have the better. With just a tiny investment of time, these simple exercises can get you started in resistance training.

What to Do:
Try doing 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise – that’s a “set.” Take a 30-second break and see if you can do another set. If not, work up to it by adding a few more reps every time you do the routine.

The Toning Moves:

1. Opposite Arm/Leg Raises
Step 1: Position yourself on your hands and knees, keeping your back straight.
Step 2: Exhale while simultaneously raising one arm and the opposite leg.
Step 3: Inhale as you lower your arm and leg back to the starting position.
Step 4: Repeat on the other side. When you finish both sides, that’s one rep.

2. Plank on Forearms
Step 1: Lie face down on the floor
Step 2: Keep your elbows bent and prop yourself up on your forearms and the underside of your toes so your body forms a straight line, or plank. Hold for 10 seconds. Longer, if you can.That’s one rep.

3. Basic Crunch
Step 1: Lie face up on the floor with your knees bent. Lightly rest your fingertips behind your head, keeping your elbows out toward the sides of the room and chin tucked into chest.
Step 2: Slowly squeeze your abdominal muscles and push your lower back into the floor so your chest and shoulders lift several inches off the mat. The benefit is how much you can squeeze your abs, not in how high you go.
Step 3: Slowly, inch by inch, return to the starting position. That’s one rep.

4. Push-Ups
Do regular push-ups or do them on your knees, which is a bit easier.
A. Regular Push-Ups
Step 1: Position your body on the floor face down so you are supporting your weight on your hands and toes, with your back straight. Keep your feet together and your hands in line with your shoulders.
Step 2: Keeping your back straight and toes on the ground, inhale while slowly lowering your chest toward the floor (don’t let it touch the floor).
Step 3:Exhale as you press your chest away from the floor and back to the starting position.
B. Modified Push-Ups On Your Knees
Step 1: Kneel on a mat and walk your hands out until they are directly under your shoulders, keeping your knees together.
Step 2: Keeping your back straight and knees on the mat, press your chest down toward the mat (don’t let it touch the mat), bending your elbows and inhaling as you go.
Step 3: Exhale as you slowly press your body back up to the starting position.

5. Chair Dips
Step 1: Sit on the edge of a sturdy chair with your hands holding the sides of the seat.
Step 2: Carefully walk your feet out so that your glutes come off the chair. You should have a slight bend in the knees and you are supported by your heels and arms.
Step 3: Inhale and slowly lower your body down, then exhale while pressing back up into the starting position.

6. Squats
Step 1: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Step 2: Inhale while slowly bending at the knees and hips, being sure to keep your head up and back straight; lift your arms up to shoulder level. Do not bend the knees past the ninety-degree mark.
Step 3: Exhale as you push back up to the starting position.

Want more exercises? See demos and workouts here.

Remember: Be safe and be smart with any new exercise plan. Keep the following guidelines in mind: Check in with your doctor before starting an activity plan; warm up before you begin any exercise session; keep a check on your intensity level; and cool down afterwards. Don’t forget to do some flexibility exercises, and keep well hydrated before, during, and after your workout.


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