Lean meat guide

Ever wondered which cuts of meat work best with what cooking method? Our simple guide gives you the answers.
Published 29 August 2018 | Updated 1 July 2024
Recipe: Perfect barbecued steak with grilled vegetables

Meat is a great source of protein and iron. It provides us with loads of vitamins and minerals and is an important part of a balanced diet. With so many different types and cuts of meat, pairing it with the perfect cooking style can be tricky. Learn the best cuts for any dish!

Types of meat and how to cook it


Beef strips
Beef ribeye (scotch fillet)
Beef boneless sirloin (New York cut)
Beef rump cut into strips

Lamb strips
Lamb fillet
Trim lamb eye of loin (backstrap)
Lamb round and topside steak cut into strips

Pork strips
Pork leg schnitzel cut into strips

Skinless chicken breast fillet
Skinless chicken thigh fillet


Beef fillet steak
Beef ribeye steak
Beef boneless sirloin steak
Beef rump steak
Beef minute steak
Beef premium mince

Lamb fillet
Trim lamb steaks
Trim lamb eye of loin (backstrap)
French-trimmed lamb cutlets

Pork leg steak
Pork rump steak
Pork butterfly steak
Pork medallion steak
Pork leg schnitzel
Pork fillet

Skinless chicken breast fillet
Skinless chicken thigh fillet


Beef ribeye steak
Beef boneless sirloin steak
Beef rump steak

Lamb fillet
Trim lamb steaks
Trim lamb eye of loin (backstrap)
French-trimmed lamb cutlets

Pork leg steak
Pork rump steak
Pork butterfly steak
Pork medallion steak

Skinless chicken thigh fillet


Beef fillet
Beef ribeye
Beef rump roast

Trim lamb mini roast
Rack of trim lamb cutlets

Skinless chicken breast fillet
Skinless chicken thigh fillet

How to buy and store...

Beef and lamb

  • Fresh beef and lamb should be tender and red in colour with no hints of grey.
  • If you’ve bought pre-wrapped beef or lamb from the supermarket it can sit in the fridge for three to five days and in the freezer for four to 12 months.


  • Look for pork that is pale pink in colour and fine-grained. Any fat on it should be smooth and white.
  • To store, remove from packaging and place on a plate and cover with plastic wrap. Keep in the coldest part of the fridge for up to 3 days.


  • Buy chicken that looks fresh (pale white/pink colour).
  • To store, keep it in the coldest part of the fridge and use within one to two days.
  • Any leftover cooked chicken should be covered loosely and cooled quickly in the fridge. Keep in a sealed container in the fridge for up to two days.