Healthy eating and cooking tips to help you lose weight

You don't have to be a chef to cook your own healthy, delicious meals. With our simple eating and cooking tips, you'll be on your way to creating healthy habits.
Published 22 April 2019 | Updated 1 July 2024

7 healthy eating habits for weight loss

One of the benefits of joining WeightWatchers® is that we support you in discovering how to cook and enjoy healthier meals that suit your individual lifestyle. This can help you to develop eating habits that will stay with you long after you reach your weight loss goals. In fact, after a few weeks, you may find you naturally gravitate towards healthier food choices.

1. Cook at home

Cooking at home gives you greater control over portion sizes and ingredients, ensuring healthier and more personalised meals. If you’re not a confident cook, don’t worry – we have plenty of easy recipes designed specifically for beginners.

Cooking at home not only allows you to manage what goes into your food but also helps you avoid the hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, and excessive salt often found in restaurant and takeaway meals. Start with simple recipes and gradually experiment with new ingredients and techniques as your confidence grows.

2. Be adventurous with eating

Be open to eating fresh ingredients that you may not normally put in your trolley. Pick up that unusual vegetable or if you haven't eaten something since you were a child, try it again – you never know, you may like it! An easy way to do this is to cook one new recipe a week. If you enjoy it, add it to your regular meals. If you don't, move on and try a new one next week. Trying new things makes meal time more exciting and keeps you motivated.

3. Eat more wholefoods

Wholefoods are foods that are as close to nature as possible (think fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh meat, chicken and seafood, fresh milk, legumes and wholegrains such as brown rice and barley). They can be better for your health because they often take longer to digest (so you feel fuller for longer). Wholefoods also offer more nutrients and fibre so you get more health benefits in every bite. On the other hand, processed foods (think white bread, deli meats, bottled sauces and most things in packets) often contain hidden fat, salt and added sugar and may offer comparatively lower nutritional value.

4. Weigh or measure ingredients

For some recipes (such as baking) it's essential as you need correct measurements in order for the recipe to be a success. So get yourself some electronic scales, a set of Australian standard measuring cups (for dry ingredients such as rice and flour), a set of Australian standard measuring spoons (where 1 tablespoon equals 20ml) and some metric measuring jugs (for liquid ingredients) and you're ready to go!

5. Plan ahead

Many of our successful members plan almost everything – from the recipes they are going to cook and eat that week to the meal they will order at the restaurant on Friday night (hot tip is to Google the menu). They also don't leave home without a healthy snack, so when hunger strikes they aren't tempted by the vending machine or cafe. Of course, WW is all about flexibility and choice so if you don't want to plan everything that goes in your mouth you don't have to. However, planning some of your meals can help you make healthier choices.

6. Eat more fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are excellent choices when you're feeling peckish or want to add volume to your meal. With such a wide variety available, you’ll never get bored, and you’ll benefit from the nutritional advantages of a plant-rich diet.

Make it a habit to fill half your plate with non-starchy vegetables and aim for two servings of fruit each day. Vary your choices as much as possible, as different plant foods offer unique health-boosting nutrients. Colour is a great indicator of nutrient diversity, so try to eat a 'rainbow' of fruit and vegetables daily.

Incorporating a range of colours ensures you get a mix of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. For example, red fruits and vegetables like tomatoes and strawberries are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins, which support heart health. Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are high in folate and iron, essential for energy and cell growth. By mixing things up, you'll enjoy a more balanced and nutritious diet, keeping your meals exciting and your body healthy.

7. Cut yourself some slack

Here at WW we don’t impose strict rules, so there’s no way to break any. Our programs gently guide you towards healthier choices, but what, when and how you eat remains entirely up to you.

It’s important to recognise that a healthy lifestyle is about balance, not perfection. Everyone has moments of indulgence, and it’s okay to enjoy your favourite treats without guilt. By allowing yourself flexibility, you can maintain a sustainable and enjoyable approach to healthy eating.

Our top healthy cooking tips

  • Choose lean cuts of meat and trim off all the visible fat and remove the skin from poultry.
  • Use non-stick pans for cooking (a quick spritz of oil spray or 1–2 teaspoons liquid oil is usually enough to stop food from sticking). If cooking pieces of meat, such as steaks or cutlets, brush the meat with oil rather than the pan.
  • Use olive, canola or sunflower oil for most cooking needs – they contain healthy fats-mono and polyunsaturated.
  • Include flaxseed oil in dressings for extra omega-3 fatty acids (for good heart health).
  • If stir-fried vegetables are sticking to the wok, add a little water or reduced-salt stock instead of more oil. This will create steam to cook the vegetables faster without burning them.
  • Line baking trays and cake tins with baking paper. Again, this reduces the amount of oil needed for greasing and also makes washing up a breeze!
  • Swap butter for a reduced-fat spread in baking. In many cakes and muffins, you can also substitute half the spread for no-added-sugar apple puree or mashed banana (this keeps the texture moist with less fat).
  • Use a steamer or microwave to cook vegetables as it retains more nutrients. Choose reduced-salt and no-added-sugar products whenever you can.