ALL the ZeroPoint foods

We’re talking the full rundown from apples to zucchini.
Published 6 January 2022 | Updated 1 July 2024
Recipe: Greek chicken bowl

ZeroPoint foods are a big deal around here for good reason. That’s because they’reyou guessed it0 Points.

These nutritional powerhouses were specifically chosen since they are nutrient-, vitamin-, and mineral-packed foods that serve as the foundation of healthy eating, and they’re generally critical to your overall health. And the best part? You don’t have to weigh, measure, or track them—no matter how often you reach for them. The best news? There is over 200 of them!

Every member* following the Points Program will have 9 ZeroPoint food groups on their list:

  • Non-starchy veggies
  • Fruit
  • Eggs
  • Yoghurt & cottage cheese
  • Fish & shellfish
  • Chicken & turkey breast
  • Tofu & tempeh
  • Corn & popcorn
  • Beans, peas & lentils.

Just don’t forget that once you add any ingredient with a Points value to a ZeroPoint food (think oil, butter, dressings, or sauces), it won’t be 0 Points. Be sure to check a packaged item, like store-bought dip, for the full ingredients—or pop it into the Barcode Scanner in the app.

*Members on the Diabetes Program share a different ZeroPoint foods list, based on global public health guidelines.

Beans, peas, & lentils

• Adzuki beans
• Black beans
• Black-eye peas
• Borlotti beans
• Broad beans
• Butter beans
• Cannellini beans

• Chickpeas
• Edamame
• Green peas
• Flageolet beans
• Haricot beans
• Lentils
• Lima beans
• Lupin beans

• Mixed beans
• Mung beans
• Pinto beans
• Red beans
• Red kidney beans
• Soy beans
• Split peas
• 99% fat-free refried beans

Chicken & turkey breast

• Chicken breast, skinless
• Chicken mince, breast

• Turkey breast, skinless
• Turkey mince, breast

Corn & popcorn

• Air-popped popcorn, no added ingredients
• Canned corn

• Corn on the cob
• Corn, sweet
• Corn, white

• Corn, yellow
• Popcorn kernels


• Eggs, all varieties
• Egg whites

• Egg yolks
• Hard-boiled eggs

• Scrambled eggs, without added fat
• Soft-boiled eggs

Fish & shellfish

• Abalone
• Barramundi
• Basa
• Blue-eye trevalla
• Bream
• Caviar
• Clams
• Cod
• Crab
• Crayfish
• Dory
• Eel
• Fishfish
• Flathead
• Flounder
• Garfish
• Gemfish
• Haddock
• Hake
• Hapuka

• Herring
• Hoki
• Kingfish
• Leather jacket
• Ling
• Lobster
• Mackerel
• Monkfish
• Morwong
• Mullet
• Mulloway
• Mussels
• Octopus
• Orange roughy
• Oyster
• Perch
• Prawns
• Red emperor
• Salmon in springwater or brine
• Salmon

• Sardines
• Sardines in springwater or brine
• Scallops
• Seafood marinara mix
• Sea urchin
• Shark
• Skate
• Snapper
• Sole
• Squid
• Swordfish
• Tilapia
• Trevally
• Trout
• Tuna
• Tuna in springwater or brine
• Turbot
• Whitebait
• Whiting


• Apple
• Apricot
• Babaco
• Banana
• Berries
• Black currants
• Blackberries
• Blueberries
• Boysenberries
• Cherries
• Clementine
• Cranberries
• Custard apple
• Dates, fresh
• Dragon fruit
• Durian
• Elderberries
• Feijoa
• Fig
• Grapefruit

• Grapes
• Guava
• Honey dew
• Jackfruit
• Kiwifruit
• Kumquat
• Lemon
• Lime
• Loganberries
• Loquat
• Lychee
• Mandarin
• Mango
• Mulberries
• Nashi pear
• Nectarine
• Orange
• Passionfruit
• Paw paw (Papaya)
• Peaches

• Pears
• Pepino
• Persimmon
• Pineapple
• Plums
• Pomegranate
• Prickly pear
• Quandong
• Quince
• Rambutan
• Raspberries
• Rhubarb
• Rockmelon
• Starfruit
• Strawberries
• Tamarillo
• Tangelo
• Tangerine
• Watermelon

Non-starchy vegetables

• Alfalfa sprouts
• Artichokes
• Asparagus
• Baby corn
• Bamboo shoots
• Bean sprouts
• Beetroot
• Bitter melon
• Bok choy
• Broccoli
• Broccolini
• Brussels sprouts
• Cabbage
• Capsicum
• Carrots
• Cauliflower
• Celeriac
• Celery
• Chard
• Chervil

• Chicory
• Chillies
• Choko
• Choy sum
• Cucumber
• Eggplant
• Endive
• Eschalot
• Fennel
• Garlic
• Ginger
• Gourd
• Horseradish
• Kale
• Leek
• Lemongrass
• Lettuce
• Mushrooms
• Mushrooms, dried
• Okra
• Onion

• Pak choy
• Pumpkin
• Radish
• Rocket
• Seaweed
• Shallots
• Snow peas
• Snow pea sprouts
• Spinach
• Spring onions
• Squash
• String beans
• Sugar snap peas
• Swede
• Tomato
• Tomato passata
• Tomato, semi-dried, not in oil
• Turnip
• Water chestnuts
• Watercress
• Zucchini

Tofu & tempeh

Tempeh, plain

• Tofu, firm or hard
• Tofu, silken or soft

• Plain, soy-based, textured vegetable protein
• Quorn mince
• Quorn pieces

Yoghurt & cottage cheese

• 97% fat-free cottage cheese
• 99% fat-free, plain, Greek yoghurt

• 99% fat-free, plain, natural yoghurt
• 99% fat-free quark

• Soy yoghurt, plain